PJ Upsus Kebumen Apresiasi Bantuan Sumur Bor dan Alsintan dari ESDM dan Kementan

Indonesian Govt Seeks to overcome the Shortage of Water for Farmers

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

PJ Upsus Kebumen Apresiasi Bantuan Sumur Bor dan Alsintan dari ESDM dan Kementan
DAMPAK KEKERINGAN: Bantuan sumur bor dari Kementerian ESDM (kanan); PJ Upsus Kebumen Ali Rachman (kemeja putih) mendampingi Dirjen Tanaman Pangan Kementan, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto dan petani penerima bantuan.

Kebumen, Jateng (B2B) - Penanggung Jawab Upsus Swasembada Kabupaten Kebumen - Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Ali Rachman mengapresiasi bantuan sumur bor dari Badan Geologi Kementerian ESDM dan puluhan unit alat mesin pertanian (Alsintan) dari Kementerian Pertanian untuk warga dan petani Desa Merden, Kecamatan Padureso untuk membantu petani setempat mengatasi dampak kekeringan dari musim kemarau tahun ini.

Bantuan sumur bor diserahkan oleh Kepala Badan Geologi Kementerian ESDM, Rudy Suhendar; sementara 84 unit Alsintan berbagai tipe dan fungsi diserahkan oleh Direktur Alsintan Ditjen Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian (PSP) Kementan, Bustanul Arifin Caya kepada petani Desa Merden pada Selasa (28/8).

Peresmian penggunaan sumur bor dilakukan oleh Anggota Komisi XI DPR RI, HM Romahurmuziy dan Anggota AKN IV Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI (BPK) Rizal Djalil disaksikan oleh Dirjen Tanaman Pangan Kementan, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto. Turut hadir Kepala Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Yuni Astuti; Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten Kebumen dan Kepala Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kebumen, Puji Rahayu.

Ali Rachman mengharapkan bantuan sumur bor untuk air bersih dapat digunakan oleh petani dan warga Desa Merden untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih mereka.

“Semoga bantuan sumur bor air bersih ini dapat mengatasi permasalahan air bersih khususnya di musim kemarau," kata Ali Rachman yang juga Ketua STPP Magelang.

Sementara bantuan Alsintan dari Kementan dharapkan dapat mendukung percepatan pengolahan tanah, penanaman dan panen di dalam kelompok penerima bantuan maupun di luar kelompok tani (Poktan).

"Alsintan dibeli dari uang rakyat dan kembali ke rakyat, Poktan penerima harus mampu mendayagunakan Alsintan tersebut untuk memajukan pertanian secara bersama-sama," kata Dirjen PSP.

Kabag Administrasi Umum STPP Yogyakarta, Irwan Johan Sumarno mengatakan bantuan Alsintan yang diterima petani Desa Merden antara lain 10 unit traktor roda dua (TR2), tiga unit traktor roda empat (TR4), lima unit rice transplanter, 50 unit handsprayer, lima unit corn sheller, 10 unit power trasher dan satu unit combine harvester besar.

Kebumen of Central Java (B2B) - The Person in Charge of increase of strategic food production for Kebumen district or the PJ Upsus Pajale Kebumen, Ali Rachman appreciates the assistance of the wellbore of 

Indonesian government through the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry or the ESDM Ministry and dozens of agricultural machinery units of Agriculture Ministry for for residents and farmers in Merden village of Padureso district in Kebumen district, Central Java province.

Drill well assistance was handed over by the Head of the Geological Agency of the ESDM Ministry, Rudy Suhendar; while 84 units of agricultural machinery  were handed over by the Director of Directorate General of Agriculture Infrastructure and Facilities, Bustanul Arifin Caya here on Tuesday (August 28).

The inauguration of the wellbore is carried out by Members of Parliament, HM Romahurmuziy and Member of the Supreme Audit Board Rizal Djalil witnessed by the Director General of Food Crops Kementan, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto and number of officials from Kebumen district and Central Java provinces.

Rachman expects that the aid of the wellbore for clean water can be used by farmers and residents of Merden village to meet their clean water needs.

"Hopefully clean water drilled wells can overcome the problem of clean water especially in the dry season," said Mr Rachman who was served as the Rector of STPP Magelang.

While the help of agricultural machinery can support the acceleration of land processing, planting and harvesting for farmers.

"Agricultural machines are bought from public money and back to the people," said Mr Irianto.

Agricultural machines for Merden village include 10 units of two-wheeled tractors, three units of four-wheeled tractors, five units of rice transplanters, 50 units of handsprayers, five units of corn shellers, 10 units of power trasher and one unit of combine harvester.