FIFA: Semua Negara Rentan terhadap Pengaturan Pertandingan

FIFA: All Countries Were Vulnerable to Match-fixing

Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

FIFA: Semua Negara Rentan terhadap Pengaturan Pertandingan
Wilson Raj Perumal dihukum dua tahun akibat mengatur pertandingan di Liga Finlandia (Foto: The Telegraph)

Zurich (B2B) - Kepala Keamanan FIFA Ralf Mutschke mengatakan pada beberapa kasus liga nasional dan konfederasi telah disusupi, sehingga para wasit dapat mendongkrak karir mereka jika mau ambil bagian pada proses manipulasi ini.

"Kami telah melihat mereka berupaya mengambil alih keseluruhan klub dan menggunakannya untuk manipulasi pertandingan, kami melihatnya pada beberapa bagian di dunia ini," ucapnya, seperti dikutip The Telegraph.

"Jika mereka dapat mengambil alih klub, mereka membayar gaji para pemain namun mereka juga mentransfer pemain-pemain ke klub lain."

"Kami juga melihat infiltrasi di level asosiasi, dan pada level konfederasi."

"Saya tahu bahwa para wasit terpancing oleh para pengatur (pertandingan) yang menjanjikan mendongkrak karir mereka ketika mereka terlibat pada manipulasi pertandingan, karena para pengatur (pertandingan) ini memiliki kontak-kontak yang bagus di federasi."

Mutschke menekankan bahwa semua negara rentan dengan praktek ini, bukan hanya negara-negara yang memiliki reputasi korupsi. Salah satu kasus terbesar, yang membuat seorang warga negara Singapura Wilson Raj Perumal dihukum penjara dua tahun akibat mengatur pertandingan, justru terjadi di Finlandia.

"Selalu terdapat pertanyaan mengenai daerah mana yang paling rentan di dunia," kata Mutschke.

"Jawaban saya tidak ada. Perumal pergi ke Finlandia dan mengatur pertandingan-pertandingan di sana dan berusaha menginfiltrasi klub di sana. Finlandia berada di peringkat kedua pada indeks transparansi, maka ini bukan masalah korupsi."

Zurich -  FIFA head of security Ralf Mutschke stated that in some cases national leagues and confederations had been infiltrated to the point where referees were able to boost their careers by taking part in manipulation.

"We have seen them trying to take over an entire club and use it for match manipulation, we see it in other parts of the world," he said.

"If they manage to take over the club, they pay the salaries for the players but they are also transferring players to other clubs."

"We also see infiltration on an association level and on a confederation level.

"I know as well that referees are being lured by fixers who promise them a boost in their career when they get involved in match manipulation, because this fixer has good contacts in the federation."

Mutschke pointed out that all countries were vulnerable, not just those with a reputation for corruption. One of the most notorious cases, which led to a two-year prison sentence for Singaporean national Wilson Raj Perumal for masterminding a match-fixing scheme, was in Finland.

"There is always the question about which is the most vulnerable region in the world," said Mutschke.

"My answer is there is none. Perumal went to Finland and manipulated matches there and tried to infiltrate a club there. Finland is rated as number two on the transparency index, so it´s not corrupt at all."