Presiden Jokowi Minta Presiden dan Wapres Terpilih untuk Persiapkan Diri
President Jokowi Asks the Elected President and Vice President to Prepare Themselves

Presiden Jokowi Minta Presiden dan Wapres Terpilih untuk Persiapkan Diri

Meski demikian, Jokowi menegaskan bahwa ia dan jajarannya tidak akan membentuk tim transisi untuk mempersiapkan pergantian pemerintahan. 

However, Jokowi emphasized that he and his staff would not form a transition team to prepare for a change of government.

Rakerkesnas 2024, Presiden Jokowi: Kesehatan Kunci Wujudkan Visi Indonesia Maju
President Jokowi: Health is the Key to Realizing the Vision of an Advanced Indonesia

President Jokowi: Health is the Key to Realizing the Vision of an Advanced Indonesia?

Jokowi juga menyoroti tantangan besar dalam mengatasi penyakit tidak menular seperti strok, jantung, dan kanker yang menjadi penyebab kematian utama di Indonesia.

Jokowi also highlighted the big challenges in overcoming non-communicable diseases such as stroke, heart disease and cancer which are the main causes of death in Indonesia.

MenPAN-RB Ungkap Skema Pemindahan ASN ke IKN
Indonesian Govt Reveals Scheme for Transferring ASN to IKN

Indonesian Govt Reveals Scheme for Transferring ASN to IKN

Pemindahan ASN akan dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan penapisan atau filter untuk menjamin kinerja pemerintah dapat tetap berjalan dengan baik serta menyesuaikan dengan ketersediaan hunian di IKN.

The transfer of ASN will be carried out in stages in accordance with screening or filters to ensure that the government´s performance can continue to run well and adapt to the availability of housing in IKN.

Bertemu Menlu RRT, Presiden Jokowi Bahas Kerjasama Ekonomi
Meeting the PRC Foreign Minister, President Jokowi Discusses Economic Cooperation

Bertemu Menlu RRT, Presiden Jokowi Bahas Kerjasama Ekonomi

Presiden Jokowi menggarisbawahi peningkatan volume perdagangan yang lebih seimbang antara Indonesia dan RRT serta mengharapkan pembukaan akses pasar bagi produk Indonesia ke RRT.

President Jokowi underlined an increase in trade volume that is more balanced between Indonesia and the PRC and hopes for the opening of market access for Indonesian products to the PRC.

Masuk Anggota FATF, Presiden Jokowi Minta Pencegahan TPPU Diperkuat
President Jokowi asks for TPPU prevention to be strengthened

Masuk Anggota FATF, Presiden Jokowi Minta Pencegahan TPPU Diperkuat

Menurut Jokowi kredibilitas ekonomi nasional juga semakin meningkat dan persepsi mengenai sistem keuangan semakin baik serta positif.

According to Jokowi, the credibility of the national economy is also increasing and perceptions of the financial system are getting better and more positive.

Piala Asia AFC U23, Media Asing Sorot Timnas Indonesia Tekuk Australia 1 - 0
Debutants Indonesia Beat Australia 1 - 0

Piala Asia AFC U23, Media Asing Sorot Timnas Indonesia Tekuk Australia 1 - 0

Kiper Ernando Ari Sutaryadi menyelamatkan penalti Mohamed Toure pada menit ke-25 sebelum sundulan Komang dari jarak dekat 20 menit kemudian memungkinkan tim asuhan pelatih Shin Tae-yong meraih kemenangan pertama mereka.

Ernando Ari Sutaryadi saved Mohamed Toure’s 25th-minute penalty before Komang’s close-range header 20 minutes later allowed Shin Tae-yong’s team to pick up their first win of the campaign after an opening 2-0 loss against hosts Qatar on Monday.

Pemerintah Siap Gelar Seri MotoGP 2023 di Mandalika
Indonesian Govt is ready to hold the 2023 MotoGP series in Mandalika

Indonesian Govt is ready to hold the 2023 MotoGP series in Mandalika?

Menparekraf mengatakan bahwa MotoGP Mandalika memiliki dampak ekonomi yang signifikan hingga mencapai Rp3,5 triliun. Untuk itu, ia meminta dukungan dari seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk dari Presiden Joko Widodo.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said that the Mandalika MotoGP had a significant economic impact of up to IDR 3.5 trillion. For this reason, he asked for support from all Indonesian people, including President Joko Widodo.


Taklukkan Turkmenistan, Timnas Indonesia U-23 Lolos ke Piala Dunia U-23
Indonesia´s U23 National Football Team Qualifies for the 2024 U23 Asian Cup

 Indonesia´s U23 National Football Team Qualifies for the 2024 U23 Asian Cup

Presiden Jokowi mengatakan bahwa ia sengaja datang untuk memberikan dukungan secara langsung kepada penggawa Garuda Muda. 

President Jokowi said that he deliberately came to provide direct support to Garuda Muda players. According to the President, the U23 national team´s victory was also historic because it managed to beat Turkmenistan for the first time since 2012.

Faktor Erick Thohir, Alasan Timnas Argentina Terima Tantangan Indonesia
Argentina´s Main Reason to Accept the Challenge of the Indonesian National Team

Faktor Erick Thohir, Alasan Timnas Argentina Terima Tantangan Indonesia

Duel timnas Argentina menghadapi Indonesia pada 19 Juni di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta memang terus ramai diperbincangkan.

The duel between the Argentina national team and Indonesia on June 19 at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta continues to be widely discussed.

Piala AFF 2022, Indonesia Ditahan Imbang Thailand 1-1
Indonesia Detained in Thailand 1-1 Draw

Piala AFF 2022, Indonesia Ditahan Imbang Thailand 1-1

Indonesia unggul lebih dahulu melalui tembakan penalti Marc Klok pada menit ke-50’. Kemudian di babak kedua, Sarach Yooyen sukses menyamakan kedudukan di menit ke-79’.

Indonesia took the lead through Marc Klok´s penalty in the 50th minute. Then in the second half, Sarach Yooyen managed to equalize in the 79th minute.

Penyuluh CSA Kebumen & Purworejo Dukung Kementan Tingkatkan Indeks Pertanaman
Indonesia Irrigation Development the Target of Government`s Loan Program

Penyuluh CSA Kebumen & Purworejo Dukung Kementan Tingkatkan Indeks Pertanaman

Direktur NPIU SIMURP, Bustanul Arifin Caya mengatakan Program SIMURP di Kementan akan fokus pada upaya antisipasi dampak perubahan iklim global.

SIMURP locations in 13 irrigation areas and two swamp areas namely Banyuasin and Katingan Regencies and 17 districts in eight provinces.

Polbangtan Kementan gelar Tes CAT bagi Calon Mahasiswa Baru TA 2024/2025
Millennial Farmers Development are the Target of Indonesia`s Polbangtan Medan

Millennial Farmers Development are the Target of Indonesia`s Polbangtan Medan?

Direktur Polbangtan Medan, Yuliana Kansrini mengatakan bahwa Polbangtan Medan mendukung upaya peningkatan kapasitas petani.

Through vocational education, we connect campuses with industry so that Polbangtan graduates meet their needs and are ready for new things.

Tingkatkan Pendidikan Vokasi, Presiden Jokowi Kirim Mobil Listrik untuk SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju
President Jokowi Sends Electric Cars to SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju

President Jokowi Sends Electric Cars to SMKN 1 Rangas Mamuju

Presiden Jokowi menyampaikan kabar gembira tersebut di hadapan ratusan pelajar SMKN 1 Rangas. Ini bukan sekadar bantuan, melainkan simbol dari dorongan besar pemerintah dalam memajukan pendidikan vokasi dan teknologi di Indonesia.

President Jokowi delivered the good news in front of hundreds of students at SMKN 1 Rangas. This is not just assistance, but a symbol of the government´s big push in advancing vocational education and technology in Indonesia.

Kementan gelar ToT Gerakan Antisipasi Darurat Pangan Nasional
Millennial Farmers Development are the Target of Indonesia`s Polbangtan Bogor

Kementan gelar ToT Gerakan Antisipasi Darurat Pangan Nasional

Plh Direktur Polbangtan Bogor, Yoyon Haryanto mengatakan mengupayakan peran aktif petani milenial dan petani andalan lengkap dengan komoditas unggulan.

He reminded about the important role of vocational education, to produce millennial farmers who have an entrepreneurial spirit.

2 - 4 Mei 2024, Kementan gelar ToT Gerakan Antisipasi Darurat Pangan Nasional
Millennial Farmers Development are the Target of Indonesia`s SMKPPN Banjarbaru

2 - 4 Mei 2024, Kementan gelar ToT Gerakan Antisipasi Darurat Pangan Nasional

Kepala SMKPPN Banjarbaru, Budi Santoso melaporkan bahwa kegiatan tersebut kerjasama DPR RI dengan Kementan.

Youth Enterpreneurship And Employment Support Services Program or the YESS, to support Indonesian Agriculture Ministry seeks to maximize its efforts for the millennial entrepreneur.

Berbagai Interaksi Paul McCartney bersama Ratu Elizabeth II
Sir Paul McCartney Shares Decades of `Privileged´ Interactions with the Queen

Berbagai Interaksi Paul McCartney bersama Ratu Elizabeth II

Sepuluh tahun kemudian The Beatles tampil di Royal Variety Performance pada tahun 1963, tetapi dua tahun setelah itu, ketika band ini menjadi MBE, mereka bertemu untuk pertama kalinya.

Ten years later The Beatles performed at the Royal Variety Performance in 1963, but it was it was two years after that, when the band was made MBE, that they had their first encounter.

Usai Pemutaran Film Perdana, The Beatles Tertangkap Kamera Berdansa dengan Orangtua Mereka
The Beatles were Snapped Dancing with Mothers after Premiere of First Feature Film, A Hard Day´s Night

The Beatles were Snapped Dancing with Mothers after Premiere of First Feature Film, A Hard Day´s Night?

Foto-foto itu diambil saat Ringo Starr, John Lennon, George Harrison dan Paul McCartney berpesta dengan orang yang mereka cintai setelah pemutaran perdana film A Hard Day´s Night di London Pavilion, pada tahun 1964.

The snaps were taken as Ringo Starr, John Lennon, George Harrison and Paul McCartney partied with their loved-ones after the charity premiere of their first feature film, A Hard Day´s Night at the London Pavilion, in 1964.

Oscar 2022, Denzel Washington Mencoba Menenangkan Will Smith saat Jeda Iklan
Denzel Washington Told Will Smith to Calm Down during Oscars Commercial Break

Denzel Washington Told Will Smith to Calm Down during Oscars Commercial Break

Smith terlihat meneriakkan umpatan kasar pada komedian Chris karena membuat lelucon tentang penampilan istrinya yang sama-sama duduk di barisan depan di Teater Dolby di Hollywood.

Rock made a joke about the hairstyle of Smith´s wife Jada Pinkett Smith that referenced the movie ´G.I. Jane´ in which actress Demi Moore shaved her head. 

Oscar 2022, Will Smith Tampar Chris Rock
Chaos at Oscars as Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock

Oscar 2022, Will Smith Tampar Chris Rock

Rock staggered and exclaimed ´wow, Will Smith just smacked the s**t out of me.´

Chris terhuyung-huyung dan berseru "Wow, Will Smith baru saja menamparku." usai tamparan dari Will Smith. 

Umur 80, Paul McCartney akan Tampil di Glastonbury 2022
Sir Paul McCartney ´Will Perform at Glastonbury 2022´ at the Age of 80

Umur 80, Paul McCartney akan Tampil di Glastonbury 2022

Festival yang berlangsung seminggu setelah ulang tahun Paul yang ke-80, menjadikannya bintang tertua yang pernah menjadi headline festival tersebut.

With the upcoming festival taking place just a week after his 80th birthday, Sir Paul will be the oldest ever star to headline the event. 

Inggris Berhasil Membiakkan Bayi Lemur ´Penari´ Pertama di Eropa
Britain Successfully Breeds Europe´s FIRST Baby ´Dancing Lemur´

Inggris Berhasil Membiakkan Bayi Lemur ´Penari´ Pertama di Eropa

Spesies primata ini, Propithecus coquereli, terancam punah, dan dijuluki ´lemur menari´ karena gaya larinya yang menyamping.

This species of primate, Propithecus coquereli, is critically endangered, and has been nicknamed the ´dancing lemur´ because of its distinctive sideways gallop.

Penembakan di Pub Inggris saat Malam Natal Tewaskan Satu Perempuan
Gun Horror on Xmas Eve Leaves Woman Dead and Multiple People Wounded

Gun Horror on Xmas Eve Leaves Woman Dead and Multiple People Wounded?

Polisi Merseyside menjelaskan bahwa penembakan itu terjadi sekitar pukul 23.50 waktu setempat, sebelum pria bersenjata itu melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian dengan Mercedes berwarna gelap usai melepaskan tembakan.

The gunman fired shots in Lighthouse Inn in Wallasey, near Liverpool, around 11.50pm last night before fleeing the scene in a dark coloured Mercedes, Merseyside Police confirmed.

Potert Raja Charles III dalam Uang Kertas Poundsterling Baru
Check Out the New-Look Banknotes as King Becomes Second British Monarch

Check Out the New-Look Banknotes as King Becomes Second British Monarch

Charles, tanpa mahkota, akan berada di bagian depan semua uang kertas polimer – £5, £10, £20 dan £50 – tanpa perubahan lain pada desain yang ada.

Charles, without a crown, will be on the front of all polymer notes – the £5, £10, £20 and £50 – with no other changes to existing designs. 

Persiapan Perang Kawasan, Xi Jinping Dorong Perkuat Militer China
Chinese President Xi Jinping said Beijing Will Strengthen Military Training and Prepare for any War

Persiapan Perang Kawasan, Xi Jinping Dorong Perkuat Militer China

Pengumuman Xi bahwa China akan fokus pada persiapan perang akan menimbulkan kekhawatiran bahwa negara itu dapat menyerang pulau Taiwan yang memiliki pemerintahan sendiri, yang diklaim Beijing sebagai miliknya.

Xi´s announcement that China will focus on preparing for a war will raise fears that the nation may invade the self-governing island of Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its own.

Perjalanan Kereta Api Paling Megah di Amerika
The Inside Track on America´s Most Magnificent Rail Trips

Perjalanan Kereta Api Paling Megah di Amerika

Perjalanan ini adalah urusan santai – banyak kereta berjalan dengan apa yang disebut ´kecepatan Kodak´: cukup lambat untuk foto dan menikmati pemandangan

These trips are leisurely affairs – many trains travel at what’s called ‘Kodak speed’: slow enough for photos and to enjoy the views.

iPhone 15 Segera Rilis, Bocoran Desain dan Fitur Beredar
Is THIS the iPhone 15? Leaked Images Reveal the Designs for All Four Models Rumoured

iPhone 15 Segera Rilis, Bocoran Desain dan Fitur Beredar

Bocoran yang menunjukkan iPhone 15 memiliki port pengisian USB-C, bukan port Lightning, karena undang-undang yang disahkan pada tahun 2022 oleh Uni Eropa.

All four models also have ´frosted back glass´, curvier edges, and come with Dynamic Island, the pill-shaped notch at the top of the screen. 

7 Rekomendasi Merk Granola Terbaik untuk Jalani Hidup Sehat
7 Best Granola Cereal Brand Recommendations for Healthy Living

7 Best Granola Cereal Brand Recommendations for Healthy Living?

Granola merupakan makanan olahan dari oats, kacang-kacangan, madu, atau bahan pemanis lainnya seperti gula merah. Granola diolah dengan cara dipanggang hingga berwarna cokelat keemasan. 

Granola is a processed food made from oats, nuts, honey or other sweeteners such as brown sugar. Granola is processed by baking it until golden brown.

5 Rekomendasi Raket Tenis Terbaik
5 Best Tennis Racquets Reccomendation

5 Best Tennis Racquets Reccomendation

Maka dari itu, kami akan berikan 5 rekomendasi raket tenis terbaik yang bisa kamu pilih.

there are many athletes who are now well known to many people, both locally and internationally.

Beberapa Alasan Mengapa Wanita Perlu Belajar Menjahit
Why Women Need to Learn to Sew?

Beberapa Alasan Mengapa Wanita Perlu Belajar Menjahit

bagaimana kalau ikut kursus menjahit? Anda bisa mengubah baju lama menjadi baju baru yang tak kalah menarik, lho! 

how about taking a sewing class? You can change old clothes into new clothes that are no less interesting

Tips Mudah Memilih Kamera DLSR Untuk Pemula
Tips Choosing Camera DSLR for Beginners

Tips Mudah Memilih Kamera DLSR Untuk Pemula

Dalam hal memilih kamera, terkadang membutuhkan riset mendalam agar tidak salah pilih, yang berujung tidak terpakai.

When it comes to choosing a camera, sometimes you need in-depth research so you don´t choose the wrong one, which ends up being unused.


The Ugly Truth