Inggris Berhasil Membiakkan Bayi Lemur ´Penari´ Pertama di Eropa
Britain Successfully Breeds Europe´s FIRST Baby ´Dancing Lemur´
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

KELAHIRAN sifaka Coquerel yang sukses untuk pertama kalinya di Eropa terjadi di Kebun Binatang Chester di Cheshire.
Spesies primata ini, Propithecus coquereli, terancam punah, dan dijuluki ´lemur menari´ karena gaya larinya yang menyamping.
Pendatang baru lahir dari orang tua Beatrice dan Elliot, yang dipindahkan ke Inggris dari Carolina Utara pada Mei 2021, dan beratnya 4 ons [119g].
Meski lahir pada 19 Desember, penjaga tidak akan menentukan jenis kelamin bayi sampai ia berpisah dari sisi ibunya pada usia sekitar enam bulan, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Kebun Binatang Chester menulis di Facebook: ´Dengan lemur yang luar biasa ini di ambang kepunahan, kedatangan bayi Beatrice adalah momen penting nyata untuk konservasi.´
THE FIRST-EVER successful birth of a Coquerel´s sifaka in Europe has taken place at Chester Zoo in Cheshire.
This species of primate, Propithecus coquereli, is critically endangered, and has been nicknamed the ´dancing lemur´ because of its distinctive sideways gallop.
The new arrival was born to parents Beatrice and Elliot, who were moved over to the UK from North Carolina in May 2021, and weighed 4 oz (119g).
Although it was born on December 19, keepers will not determine the baby´s sex until it separates from its mother´s side at about six months old.
Chester Zoo wrote on Facebook: ´With these incredible lemurs on the brink of extinction, the arrival of Beatrice´s baby is a real landmark moment for conservation.´
Mark Brayshaw, curator of mammals at the zoo, said: ´It´s really exciting to be the first team of conservationists in Europe to successfully breed this unusual and extremely rare primate.