Usai Pemutaran Film Perdana, The Beatles Tertangkap Kamera Berdansa dengan Orangtua Mereka
The Beatles were Snapped Dancing with Mothers after Premiere of First Feature Film, A Hard Day´s Night
Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

THE BEATLES mungkin telah menjadi pujaan hati para gadis di seluruh dunia, tetapi foto-foto candid telah mengungkapkan malam saat The Beatles berdansa dengan wanita paling penting dalam hidup mereka.
Foto-foto itu diambil saat Ringo Starr, John Lennon, George Harrison dan Paul McCartney berpesta dengan orang yang mereka cintai setelah pemutaran perdana film fitur pertama mereka, A Hard Day´s Night di London Pavilion, pada tahun 1964.
Dalam gambar tersebut, kelompok tersebut terlihat menyapu lantai dansa selama pesta makan malam di Hotel Dorchester dan memeluk orang yang mereka cintai dengan boogied.
Sementara Ringo tampak necis dengan ibunya Elsie Starkey, John mengobrol dengan ibu George, Louise, dan Paul menari bersama bibinya Joan.
The Beatles menghabiskan malam itu dengan menghadiri pemutaran perdana film pertama mereka di London pada 6 Juli 1964—malam ulang tahun Ringo Starr yang ke-24, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Kelompok itu bergabung dengan istri dan pacar mereka pada saat itu, dengan tamu termasuk saudara perempuan Ratu, Putri Margaret.
Saat 12.000 penggemar turun ke Piccadilly Circus, area itu ditutup untuk lalu lintas, dengan Paul kemudian mengingat: ´Saya ingat Piccadilly benar-benar terisi.
´Kami pikir kami bisa muncul di limusin kami, tapi tidak bisa lewat.´ Kemudian, dia juga mengungkapkan itu ´tidak menakutkan´, menyebutnya ´kerumunan yang ramah.´
Tiket untuk acara tersebut berharga £16, setara dengan £330 hari ini.
A Hard Day´s Night mencetak rekor di London Pavilion dengan meraup lebih dari £20.000 pada minggu pertama, akhirnya menjadi sangat populer sehingga lebih dari 1.600 cetakan beredar secara bersamaan.
Kemudian, kelompok itu dibawa pergi ke Dorchester di mana mereka merayakan kesuksesan mereka dengan orang-orang terdekat mereka.
Sementara Ringo dan George ditemani oleh ibu mereka, Paul dan John sama-sama kehilangan orang tua mereka saat remaja.
Sir Paul, sekarang 70, baru berusia 14 tahun ketika ibunya Mary didiagnosis menderita kanker dan meninggal karena embellisme pada tahun 1956 setelah operasi.
Sementara itu, John yang berusia 17 tahun kehilangan ibunya sendiri, Julia, pada usia 44 tahun ketika dia dibunuh oleh mobil yang dikendarai oleh seorang polisi yang sedang tidak bertugas.
Julia yang membayar gitar pertama John, Julia yang mengajarinya chord, Julia yang mengundangnya untuk berlatih di tempatnya.
“Aku kehilangan ibuku dua kali,” kata John kemudian. ´Suatu kali, sebagai anak berusia lima tahun ketika saya pindah dengan bibi saya. Dan lagi, ketika dia benar-benar mati secara fisik… dan itu benar-benar waktu yang sulit bagi saya.
"Itu benar-benar membuatku sangat, sangat pahit, ibuku terbunuh, tepat ketika aku membangun kembali hubungan dengannya." Dia marah terhadap kehilangan itu.
Itu terjadi beberapa hari setelah terungkap bahwa single hit John Lennon, Mother, telah dirilis ulang dengan video remaster digital tentang apa yang akan menjadi ulang tahun ke-107 ibunya, Julia.
The John Lennon Estate mengungkapkan pada hari Jumat bahwa mereka telah merilis video terbaru untuk lagu tersebut, yang telah di-remaster dalam 4K sebagai ´Ultimate Mix´ untuk album edisi khusus John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band-The Ultimate Collection.
THE BEATLES may have been the heartthrobs to girls all over the world, but candid photographs have revealed the night The Beatles danced with the most important women in their lives.
The snaps were taken as Ringo Starr, John Lennon, George Harrison and Paul McCartney partied with their loved-ones after the charity premiere of their first feature film, A Hard Day´s Night at the London Pavilion, in 1964.
In the images, the group can be seen sweeping onto the dance floor during a supper party at the the Dorchester Hotel and holding their loved-ones close as they boogied.
While Ringo looked dapper with his mother Elsie Starkey, John had a twirl with George´s mother Louise, and Paul danced alongside his aunt Joan.
The Beatles spent the evening attending the premiere for their first film in London on 6 July 1964—the eve of Ringo Starr´s 24th birthday.
The group were joined by their wives and girlfriends at the time, with guests including the Queen´s sister, Princess Margaret.
As 12,000 fans descended into Piccadilly Circus, the area was closed to traffic, with Paul later recalling: ´I remember Piccadilly being completely filled.
´We thought we could just show up in our limo, but it couldn´t get through.´
He also revealed it ´wasn´t frightening´, calling it ´a friendly crowd.´
Tickets for the event cost £16, equivalent to £330 today.
A Hard Day´s Night set records at the London Pavilion by grossing over £20,000 in the first week, ultimately becoming so popular that more than 1,600 prints were in circulation simultaneously.
Later, the group were whisked away to the Dorchester where they celebrated their success with their closest loved ones.
While Ringo and George were joined by their mothers, Paul and John had both lost their parents as teenages.
Sir Paul, now 70, was just 14 when his mother Mary was diagnosed with cancer and died of an embellism in 1956 after an operation.
Meanwhile a 17-year-old John lost his own mother Julia at the age of 44 when she was killed by a car driven by an off-duty policeman.
It was Julia who paid for John’s first guitar, Julia who taught him the chords, Julia who invited him to practise at her place.
‘I lost my mother twice,’ John said later. ‘Once, as a five-year-old when I was moved in with my auntie. And again, when she actually, physically died… and that was really a hard time for me.
´It just absolutely made me very, very bitter, my mother being killed, just when I was re-establishing a relationship with her.’ He raged against the loss.
It comes days after it was revealed John Lennon´s hit single Mother has been re-released with a digitally remastered video on what would have been his mum Julia´s 107th birthday.
The John Lennon Estate revealed on Friday that they had released an updated video for the song, which has been remastered in 4K as an ´Ultimate Mix´ for the special edition album John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band-The Ultimate Collection.