Dog Park, Game Simulator Penggunanya jadi `Anjing`

Dog Park, The Bizarre Virtual Reality World Where You Can Pretend to be a Dog

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Dog Park, Game Simulator Penggunanya jadi `Anjing`
Dog Simulator (atas) dan Goat Simulator (Screenshots: MailOnline)

MENYUSUL keberhasilan video game Kambing Simulator (The Goat Simulator) awal tahun ini, seorang pembuat game dari New York telah menciptakan permainan yang mirip terutama bagi pecinta anjing.

Video game yang dinamai Dog Park, memungkinkan penggunanya mensimulasikan dirinya menjadi anjing virtual, tujuannya untuk mengejar dan menggali lubang dengan anjing lain, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Hal ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan awal dan diharapkan sepenuhnya diluncurkan pada September mendatang di ajang No Quarter di New York, AS. 

Permainan unik adalah gagasan warga New York Kevin Cancienne.

Dia mengatakan kepada Kill Screen Daily: 'Dog Park adalah terobosan besar bagi saya."

"Tidak hanya itu, genre dan format yang saya garap ini tergolong baru, tapi saya membiarkan kreativitas berkembang bebas. Saya menyambut gembira rampungnya game unik ini."

Dia menambahkan, bahwa dia tidak berniat membuat game dalam bentuk kompetisi, dan satu-satunya tujuan adalah 'membuat permainan yang menyenangkan.'

Cancienne secara teratur berkicau melalui Twitter degnan screenshot dari versi uji coba game, dan diharapkan dapat mengungkap lebih jauh menjelang ajang No Quarter.

No Quarter adalah kegiatan tahunan di New York University’s Game Centre.

Dog Park adalah contoh lain dari simulator hewan yang menarik perhatian di internet.

Pada April lalu, permainan hewan kambing, Goat Simulator diluncurkan melalui Steam dan memberi peluang bagi penggunanya menjelajahi dunia maya melalui mata dari hewan ternak ini.

Popularitasnya mengejutkan banyak pihak, dan diikuti oleh beruang simulator (Bear Simulator) yang mendapat dukungan donasi cukup besar.

Seperti namanya, Kambing Simulator adalah game third-person di mana penggunanya berperan sebagai seekor kambing.

Mereka dapat menjelajah dunia maya, berlari, melompat, dan mengejar buruannya, serta tindakan khas dari seekor hewan seperti anjing dan kambing.

Game ini dikembangkan oleh developer game Coffee Stain Studios di Swedia.

Terapis permainan, William Hawkes-Robinson mengatakan manfaat dari game simulator termasuk kekuatan membaca, matematika, berpikir kreatif, bermain dalam tim, dan keterampilan kreatif lainnya.

Dia melanjutkan, "Sangat sedikit game yang mengungkap kehidupan hewan seperti game ini."

FOLLOWING the viral success of the Goat Simulator earlier this year, a designer from New York has created a similar game especially for dog lovers.

Dog Park lets players simulate being a virtual canine and the goal is to chase and dig holes with other dogs.

It is still in an early development stage and is expected to be fully unveiled at September’s No Quarter event in New York. 

The game is the brainchild of New Yorker Kevin Cancienne.

He told Kill Screen Daily: ‘Dog Park is a pretty big departure for me. 

'Not only is it in a genre and format I haven't worked in much, but I’ve let the free-flowing qualities I appreciate about dog play come through.’

He continued that he didn’t want the game to be about competition, and the only goal is to ‘keep on having more fun’.

Cancienne regularly tweets teaser screenshots from test versions of the game, and is expected to reveal more as the No Quarter event approaches.

No Quarter is an annual event that takes place at New York University’s Game Centre.

Dog Park is yet another example of animal simulators that appear to be taking the web by storm.

In April, the Goat Simulator launched on Steam and let players explore a virtual world through the eyes of the farmyard creature.

Its popularity surprised many, and was closely followed by a Bear Simulator that achieved Kickstarter funding in less than a week. 

As the name suggests, Goat Simulator is a third-person game in which players take control of a goat.

They can roam the game's virtual world, run, jump, and headbutt objects and people, as well as lick items which stick to the goat's tongue and can be thrown.

It was developed by Swedish-based Coffee Stain Studios.

Recreation therapist William Hawkes-Robinson said benefits of playing simulators include stronger reading skills, mathematics, creative thinking, cooperative play, and other creative skills.

He continued: 'There are very few social table-top recreation activities available that are cooperative rather than competitive in nature.