Mentan Jawab Kontroversi Traktor di Ponorogo karena `Miscommunication`

Controversy of Hand Tractors in Ponorogo

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Mentan Jawab Kontroversi Traktor di Ponorogo karena `Miscommunication`
Presiden RI Joko Widodo mendengarkan penjelasan Mentan Amran Sulaiman sebelum penyerahan traktor tangan kepada kelompok tani di Ponorogo, Jawa Timur (Foto: Humas Kementan/Fajar)

Indramayu, Jawa Barat (B2B) - Ratusan mesin traktor tangan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur dari Presiden RI Joko Widodo yang ditarik lagi memicu kontroversi, dan hal itu dijawab oleh Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman bahwa hal itu terjadi akibat ´misscommunication´ atau kesalahan informasi yang diterima para petani di kabupaten tersebut.

"Soal alsintan di Ponorogo, ini yang menarik dan perlu kami luruskan. Kami sudah menyerahkan traktor tangan sejak tiga bulan lalu, dan baru di Ponorogo yang dikomentari. Mesin traktor tangan di Ponorogo itu untuk seluruh Jawa Timur dari APBNP. Ingat dari APBN sudah diterima semua," kata Amran Sulaiman menjawab pertanyaan wartawan di saat meninjau kesiapan panen padi di Desa Kedokan Gabus, Kecamatan Gabus Wetan, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat pada Selasa.

"Tidak mungkin tiga ribu traktor diserahkan di satu titik, tapi untuk seluruh Jawa Timur yang dipusatkan di Ponorogo. Penyerahan besok dari Presiden supaya lurus bukan untuk petani Kedokan Bagus saja, tapi ke seluruh Jawa Barat, penyerahannya dipusatkan di sini."

Mentan mengaku telah menelepon Kepala Dinas Pertanian Jawa Timur, Wibowo Ekoputro dan Kepala Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Ponorogo, Harmanto untuk menanyakan langsung. "Mereka bilang, ini mungkin salah pengertian.

Amran Sulaiman menambahkan bahwa penyerahan langsung kepada kelompok-kelompok tani di seluruh Indonesia sesuai arahan Presiden RI Joko Widodo.

"Bapak Presiden ingin menyerahkan langsung secara fisik, ada mesin traktornya untuk diserahkan kepada para petani melalui kelompok-kelompok tani. Begitu pula yang di Indramayu, setelah diterima oleh kelompok tani langsung mereka angkat ke daerah masing-masing, dan bukan untuk individu. Misalnya di Kedokan Bagus ini, traktor tangan yang diserahkan bukan hanya untuk petani di sini saja."

Indramayu, Indonesia (B2B) - Hundreds of hand tractors in Ponorogo, East Java from the President Joko Widodo sparked controversy, and it was answered by the Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Solomon that it happened due to misscommunication between the government and farmers in Ponorogo.

"The issue of agricultural machinery in Ponorogo, I have to explain the real facts. We´ve distributed hand tractors since three months ago, and that in Ponorogo became news. Machine hand tractors in Ponorogo it for the whole of East Java from the revised budget," Mr Sulaiman told reporters while reviewing the readiness of the rice harvest in Kedokan Gabus village of Gabus Wetan sub-district, Indramayu district of West Java on Tuesday.

"There may be three all tractors hand delivered at one point, due to the whole of East Java, which was centered in Ponorogo. Symbolic handover of the President is not just for farmers in Kedokan Gabus, but to all of West Java, symbolic activities here."

"It is impossible three thousand hand tractors delivered at one point, because it is for the East Java province and concentrated in Ponorogo district. The delivery tomorrow by the President, so straight, not for farmers Kedokan Gabus sub-district only, but to all of West Java, delivery focused here."

Minister admitted that he had called the Head of Agriculture East Java province, Wibowo Ekoputro and Head of Agriculture Ponorogo district, Harmanto to ask directly. "They said, this is probably a misunderstanding."

Amran Sulaiman added that the handover directly to the farmer groups across Indonesia as directed by the President Joko Widodo.

"Mr. President wants to handed over the is physically, no tractor engine to be delivered to farmers through farmer groups. Similarly in Indramayu, once submitted to the farmer group was immediately taken to their home areas, and not to the individual. For example, in Kedokan Gabus, hand tractors are not just for farmers here alone."