Panen Padi Tiap Hari, Mentan Buktikan dari Wilayah Agroklimat di Sulteng

The Agro-climate Region in Parigi Moutong is Proved of Indonesia`s Daily Rice Harvest

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Panen Padi Tiap Hari, Mentan Buktikan dari Wilayah Agroklimat di Sulteng
LUMBUNG PANGAN SULTENG: Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman menjawab wartawan didampingi pejabat Kementan dan Pemprov Sulteng maupun Pemkab Parigi Moutong (Foto: Humas Kementan/Makmur Hutagalung)

Parigi Moutong, Sulteng (B2B) - Musim kemarau tidak mempengaruhi produksi padi di Indonesia, hal itu dibuktikan Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman pada panen raya padi di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah pada Kamis (1/11). Panen padi seluas 420 ha dari potensi lahan sawah padi 32 ribu ha sekaligus memastikan produksi padi berlangsung setiap hari seperti di Parigi Moutong, yang termasuk wilayah agroklimat sehingga tidak terdampak musim kemarau.

Mentan Amran Sulaiman menegaskan bahwa Indonesia memiliki beberapa wilayah agroklimat seperti di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, yang tidak pernah kering meskipun wilayah lain di Indonesia terdampak musim kemarau.

"Ada sesuatu yang unik di Parigi Moutong. Agroklimat membuat kabupaten ini tidak pernah kering. Air tetap tersedia. Petaninya juga hebat. Habis panen langsung tanam padi. Hasilnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sendiri, dan kelebihannya dijual ke kabupaten lain bahkan ke Papua," kata Mentan kepada pers di sela panen padi yang dipusatkan di Desa Palapi, Kecamatan Kasimbar seluas 420 ha.

Mentan pun menyerahkan sejumlah bantuan pemerintah pusat dari Kementerian Pertanian RI untuk meningkatkan motivasi petani setempat meningkatkan produksi pangan strategis. 

Bantuan Kementan antara lain satu ton benih padi, 300 kg benih jagung, 1,7 juta batang bibit perkebunan untuk Provinsi Sulteng, 500 ribu batang bibit perkebunan untuk Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, empat unit traktor roda empat, satu unit eskavator besar, dan satu unit alat pengering padi.

"Potensi pertanian di Parigi Moutong luar biasa. Kabupaten ini dapat menjadi lumbung pangan Sulteng. Selain padi, kita kembangkan pula bawang putih seluas 100 hektar," kata Mentan.

Berdasarkan data Dinas Provinsi Pertanian Sulteng, realisasi luas tambah tanam padi Oktober-Maret 2018 di Parigi Moutong per 31 Oktober mencapai 5.062 ha. Sementara realisasi tanam padi di Sulteng seluas 12.987 ha. Selain Parigi Moutong, kabupaten lain yang sedang panen padi adalah Luwuk dan Touna serta Sigi.

Parigi Moutong of Central Sulawesi (B2B) - The dry season does not affect rice production in Indonesia, it is proved by Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman on the rice harvest in Moutong Parigi district of Central Sulawesi province here on Thursday (November 1). Harvesting an area of 420 hectares of the potential 32,000 hectares of paddy fields also ensure rice production every day in Indonesia such as in Parigi Moutong, which includes the agro-climate region so that it is not affected by the dry season.

Minister Sulaiman said that Indonesia has several agro-climate areas such as in Parigi Moutong District, not drought even though other parts of Indonesia are affected by the dry season.

"There is something unique in Parigi Moutong. This district has never been drought because it is part of an agroclimate region. The water source never dries. Outstanding farmer, after harvest directly to plant rice. Rice yields to meet their own needs, if the production surplus is sold to other districts," he said.

Minister Sulaiman also handed over a number of central government assistance of the ministry to support motivation of local farmers to increase strategic food production.

Agriculture ministry assistance includes one ton of rice seeds, 300 kg of corn seeds, 1.7 million stems of plantation seeds for Central Sulawesi province, 500 thousand stems of plantation seeds for Parigi Moutong district, four four-wheel tractor units, one excavator unit, and one rice dryer unit.

"The agricultural potential in Parigi Moutong is extraordinary. This regency can become Central Sulawesi´s food barn. Besides rice, we also develop garlic in an area of 100 hectares," he said.

Based on data from the provincial agriculture office, the realization of extensification of rice planting from October to March 2018 in Parigi Moutong reached 5,062 hectares per October 31, while the realization for the provincial level reached 12,987 hectares. Besides Parigi Moutong, other districts that are harvesting rice are Luwuk and Touna and Sigi.