DIY Surplus 250 Ribu Ton, Kementan Pantau 30 Ribu Hektar Siap Panen

Indonesian Ministry Support Farmers Increase Rice Harvest Production

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

DIY Surplus 250 Ribu Ton, Kementan Pantau 30 Ribu Hektar Siap Panen
SURPLUS BERAS: Kepala BPPSDMP Kementan, Momon Rusmono (kiri) usai panen di Kabupaten Kulonprogo, DIY bersama Staf Ahli Mentan Bidang Insfrastruktur, Ani Andayani (tengah) dan Wakil Bupati H Sutejo Wiyaso (Foto: B2B/M. Achsan Atjo)

Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta (B2B) - Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) ternyata mampu memenuhi kebutuhan beras secara mandiri pada 2017 dengan capaian surplus 250.000 ton beras, dan lahan siap panen untuk Januari mencapai 30.000 hektar di seluruh DIY dan sekitar 4.500 hektar berada di Kabupaten Kulonprogo, yang terwujud berkat dukungan Kementerian Pertanian RI terkait infrastruktur dan sarana pertanian untuk petani DIY.

Hal itu dikemukakan oleh Kepala Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) Momon Rusmono usai melakukan panen padi perdana untuk Januari 2018 di Kulonprogo, yang dipusatkan di Desa Jatisarono, Kecamatan Nanggulan hari ini, Jumat (12/1) bersama dengan Wakil Bupati H Sutejo Wiyaso dan Staf Ahli Menteri Pertanian Bidang Insfrastruktur, Ani Andayani.

"Saya mendapat laporan dari kepala dinas provinsi dan wakil bupati tentang surplus beras DIY tahun lalu mencapai 250 ribu ton, dan lahan siap panen Januari 2018 sekitar 30 ribu hektar, sehingga DIY mampu mencapai swasembada beras dan bisa dijual ke provinsi lain. Begitu pula Kulonprogo mampu swasembada beras," kata Momon Rusmono kepada pers usai panen padi di Kulonprogo.

Ketua Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Srijati, Tukijan mengatakan luas lahan siap panen di Desa Jatisarono saat ini sekitar 100 hektar dengan produktivitas 8,9 ton gabah kering panen (GKP) per hektar. Sementara total luas lahan sawah di Desa Jatisarono mencapai 350 hektar.

Camat Nanggulan, Jazil Ambar Was´an mengatakan luas lahan sawah di kecamatannya mencapai 1.600 hektar.

Tampak hadir Dandim 0731/Kulonprogo, Letkol Arm Teguh Tri PU; Kepala Pusat Pendidikan Pertanian (Kapusdiktan) BPPSDMP Kementan, Gunawan Yulianto; Kepala Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian (STPP) Magelang, Ali Rachman; Kepala Bidang Kelembagaan dan Ketenagaan Pusdiktan Kementan, Teddy Rachmat Mulyadi.

Peningkatan luas tanam naik dua kali lipat merupakan solusi permanen dari dampak Program Upsus Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman setelah merampungkan rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi tersier 3,4 juta hektar atau 113%, pembangunan 2.278 unit embung/dam parit/long storage, perluasan dan optimasi lahan 1,08 juta hektar, pengembangan lahan rawa 367.000 hektar, mekanisasi didukung alat mesin pertanian (Alsintan) rice transplanter dan combine harvester sebanyak 284.436 unit atau naik 2.175% dari 2014. Kemudian, bantuan benih 12,1 juta hektar, pupuk bersubsidi 27,64 juta ton dan asuransi usahatani padi 1,2 juta hektar.

Kulonprogo of Yogyakarta (B2B) - Indonesia´s Special Region of Yogyakarta or DIY is able to meet the needs of rice by province in 2017 with an overproduction of rice or a surplus of 250,000 tons, and ready-to-harvest rice fields in January 2018 reached 30,000 hectares across the province, while 4,500 hectares in Kulonprogo district, because the support of agriculture ministry related to infrastructure and agricultural facilities for Yogyakarta´s farmers, according to senior official.

It was stated by by the Director General of Human Resources Agriculture of agriculture ministry, Momon Rusmono after the first rice harvest for January 2018 in Kulonprogo district in Jatisarono village, of Nanggulan subdistrict today, Friday (January 12) with Kulonprogo Deputy Regent H Sutejo Wiyaso and Expert Staff of Agriculture Minister for Infrastructure, Ani Andayani.

"I got a report from the head of the provincial agriculture department and vice regent about last year´s DIY rice surplus reached 250 thousand tons, and the land ready for harvest in January 2018 about 30 thousand hectares, so that the DIY is capable of rice self-sufficiency, Mr Rusmono told the press.

Chairman of Sri Jati Farmers Association, Tukijan said the area of ready-to-harvest land in Jatisarono village is currently around 100 hectares with productivity of 8.9 tons of dry unhulled harvest per hectare. Meanwhile, the total area of rice field in Jatisarono village reaches 350 hectares.

Nanggulan subdistrict head, Jazil Ambar Was´an said the area of wetland in his district reaches 1,600 hectares.

As reported, the ministry data states that the national rice cultivation area from July to September 2017 reaches 1.0 - 1.1 million hectares per month or doubled before there is a special program, rice production is only 500,000 hectares per month.

Increased planting area of dry season July to September as permanent solution of Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman after rehabilitation of tertiary irrigation 3.4 million hectares or 113%, development of 2,278 units of ditch/long storage,  expansion and optimization of 1.08 million hectares of land, 367,000 hectares of swampland development, mechanization by agricultural machinery rice transplanter and combine harvester 284,436 units or up 2.175% from 2014. Then, seed aid 12.1 million hectares, subsidized fertilizer 27.64 million tons and insurance of rice farming 1.2 million hectares.