Kompeten Berdaya Saing, LSP - BPPSDMPP Kementan Uji Inseminator Pemprov Jateng

Indonesia`s Artificial Inseminator of Livestock must have a Competency Certificate

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Kompeten Berdaya Saing, LSP - BPPSDMPP Kementan Uji  Inseminator Pemprov Jateng
60 INSEMINATOR: Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) Pertanian - BPPSDMP Kementan melakukan uji kompetensi 60 inseminator Jateng di BPSDMP Ungaran (Foto: Humas BPPSDMP Kementan/Pito)

Ungaran, Jawa Tengah (B2B) - Provinsi seluas Jawa Tengah saat ini baru didukung 400 inseminator buatan (IB) dengan sertifikat kompetensi dari total 920 IB, sehingga percepatan pengakuan profesi dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) Kementerian Pertanian RI sangat vital dalam mendukung pencapaian swasembada daging sapi 2026.

Sekitar 60 petugas IB dari seluruh Jateng mengikuti uji kompetensi di Balai Pengembangan SDM Peternakan (BPSDMP) Ungaran, Jawa Tengah selama lima hari, Senin lalu hingga besok, Jumat (23/2). Sertifikat kompetensi dikeluarkan oleh LSP Pertanian di Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian Kementan (BPPSDMP) Kementan kepada para IB yang direkomendasi Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (PKH) Pemprov Jateng. 

"Sertifikasi kompetensi akan meningkatkan profesionalisme para IB sekaligus mempermudah dalam pembinaan dan pengendalian inseminator melaksanakan tugas sehingga swasembada protein hewani khususnya daging sapi bisa terwujud pada 2026," kata Kepala Balai BPSDM Peternakan Pemprov Jateng, Tuhu Sulistyo di Ungaran, Senin (19/2).

Sebagaimana diketahui, sertifikasi kompetensi adalah proses pemberian sertifikat kompetensi secara sistematis dan obyektif melalui uji kompetensi, mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) dan standar internasional dan/atau standar khusus, dan sertifikat kompetensi yang diterbitkan oleh LSP Kementan telah meraih lisensi dari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP).

LSP Pertanian Kementan hingga 2017 telah mensertifikasi 9.226 orang dari 21 profesi sektor pertanian, dan 1.716 inseminator telah tersertifikasi dari 11.200 inseminator di seluruh Indonesia, sedangkan untuk Jateng baru 400 dari 920 inseminator.

"Dengan demikian diperlukan percepatan sertifikasi kompetensi untuk pengakuan profesionalisme dan meningkatkan kualitas kerja," kata Tuhu Sulistyo.

Ungaran of Central Java (B2B) - The Central Java province is currently supported by 400 artificial inseminators with competence certificates of 920 inseminators across the province, so that the competency test by Profession Certification Institution of Indonesian Agriculture Minisyry plays an important role support the target of beef self-sufficiency in 2026.

About 60 Central Java inseminators participated in  competency test at the Ungaran´s Livestocks Development Center or the BPSDMP for five days, last Monday until tomorrow, Friday (February 23). Competency certificates are issued by the Directorate General of Agricultural Extension and HR Development of Agriculture Ministry.

Competence certification will increase the professionalism of inseminators in supporting the realization of self-sufficiency of animal protein, especially beef in 2026, "said Director of the BPSDMP, Tuhu Sulistyo here on Monday (February 19).

As is known, competency certification is a measurable, systematic and objective process through competency tests, referred to Indonesian National Work Competence Standards (SKKNI) and international standards and / or special standards, and certificates of competency issued by the Agriculture Ministry called the LSP have been licensed from the National Agency for Professional Certification or the BNSP.

The LSP until 2017 has issued certification for 9,226 people from 21 professions of the agricultural sector, and 1,716 inseminators have been certified from 11,200 inseminators nationwide, while for Central Java province only 400 out of 920 inseminators.

"There is a need to accelerate certification of competence for professionalism and improve the quality of work," said Tuhu Sulistyo.