Badan SDM Kementan Koordinasikan Stok dan Luas Panen Padi Sanggau Kalbar

Indonesian Govt Managed to overcome Rice Harvest Failed in Borneo

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Badan SDM Kementan Koordinasikan Stok dan Luas Panen Padi Sanggau Kalbar
PANEN PADI SANGGAU: Kepala Badan SDM Pertanian Kementan, Momon Rusmono (ke-2 kanan) panen padi di Kabupaten Sanggau, Kalbar, luas panen Desember 80.000 hektar dan 70.000 hektar untuk Januari (Foto: B2B/M. Achsan Atjo)

SANGGAU, Kalimantan Barat menjadi kabupaten keempat setelah Pandeglang (Banten), Semarang (Jawa Tengah), Cirebon (Jawa Barat) dalam satu pekan ini yang disambangi Kepala Badan SDM Pertanian, Momon Rusmono siang ini, Jumat (22/12) untuk memastikan produksi padi mencukupi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat, sehingga stok beras cukup dan harga pangan stabil.

Momon Rusmono melakukan panen padi Desember 2017 di Desa Bungkang, Kecamatan Sekayam bersama Kepala Dinas Pertanian, Perikanan, dan Peternakan Kabupaten Sanggau, John Henri, dan dihadiri para pejabat terkait dan puluhan penyuluh pertanian.

John Henri mengatakan penanaman padi pada September 2017 menghasilkan panen Desember seluas 15.000 hektar dengan produktivitas 3 ton per hektar, sehingga diperoleh hasil 45.000 ton gabah kering panen (GKP) setara 22.500 ton beras. 

“Kebutuhan di daerah kami hanya 4.400 ton per bulan. Artinya kebutuhan beras tercukupi malah kelebihan produksi atau surplus hampir 18.000 ton beras” kata John Henri kepada pers saat mendampingi Kepala Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) Momon Rusmono.

Momon Rusmono mengelaborasi luas tanam padi Sanggau merupakan bagian dari total luas tanam di seluruh Indonesia (nasional) pada Juli sampai September 2017 yang mencapai 1,1 juta hektar per bulan.

"Hal itu berarti naik dua kali lipat dari tahun-tahun sebelum digelarnya program Upsus Pajale, yang hanya mampu mencapai 500 ribu per hektar," kata Momon yg juga menjabat Penanggung Jawab Upsus Pajale (padi, jagung, dan kedelai).

Sementara total panen padi Desember 2017 seluas 1,1 juta hektar dengan realisasi produksi 6 juta ton GKG atau 3 juta ton beras. "Produksi ini mampu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi beras nasional  2,6 juta ton atau surplus 0,4 juta ton.

Menurut Momon, terjaminnya produksi padi Kabupaten Sanggau lantaran koordinasi dan sinergi pemerintah pusat di Jakarta dan daierah untuk terus menjamin dan meningkatkan produksi padi. Misalnya, untuk mengantisipasi dampak paceklik, pemerintah telah menyalurkan bantuan cukup banyak ke petani, seperti pompa air, traktor, benih berkualitas, rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi tersier, embung dan lainnya.

“Pendampingan dan terjun ke lapangan pun masif dilakukan untuk memantau perkembangan tanaman, jadi proses produksi berjalan lancar,” katanya.

Terkait hal ini, petani Desa Bungkang,  Mustofa mengungkapkan bantuan pemerintah benar-benar membantunya. Bantuan berupa mesin pompa air, benih unggul dan traktor telah membuat tanaman padi berhasil dipanen dengan hasil rata-rata tiga ton per hektar. 

“Dulu ketika musim paceklik seperti ini, produktivitasnya kurang dari dua ton per hektar. Terima kasih pada program pemerintah saat ini, hasil panen padi lebih baik," kata Abdullah yang juga anggota kelompok tani setempat.

Peningkatan luas tanam musim kering Juli  - September naik dua kali lipat merupakan solusi permanen dari dampak Program Upsus Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman setelah merampungkan  rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi tersier 3,4 juta hektar atau 113%, pembangunan 2.278 unit embung/dam parit/long storage, perluasan dan optimasi lahan 1,08 juta hektar, pengembangan lahan rawa 367.000 hektar, mekanisasi didukung alat mesin pertanian (Alsintan) rice transplanter dan combine harvester sebanyak 284.436 unit atau naik 2.175% dari 2014. Kemudian, bantuan benih 12,1 juta hektar, pupuk bersubsidi 27,64 juta ton dan asuransi usahatani padi 1,2 juta hektar.

SANGGAU, West Kalimantan became the fourth district after Pandeglang (Banten), Semarang (Central Java), Cirebon (West Java) in this week who was visited by the Director General of Agricultural Extension and Development of Agricultural HR Agency, or BPPSDM, Momon Rusmono this afternoon, Friday (December 22/12) to ensure production rice sufficient food needs of the community, so that the rice stock is sufficient and food prices stable.

Rice harvest failed at the end of the year in Indonesia is often characterized by increasing rainfall October to December, but what happened today is just opposite as in Sanggau district of West Borneo province, as witnessed by senior official of the agriculture ministry December 2017, productivity 3 tons per hectare and the realization of rice harvest 15,000 tons of dried milled grain or equal to 22,500 tons of rice.

Sanggau rice consumption needs only 4,400 tons per month, that means the need for rice is sufficient even surplus almost 18,000 tons per month," he said.

Mr Rusmono as the Director General of Agricultural Extension and Development of Agricultural Human Resources, or BPPSDM said the Sanggau rice harvest is a synergy between central and local government to increase rice production. For example, to anticipate the impact of crop failure, the government provides assistance to farmers such as water pumps, tractor engines, seedlings, tertiary irrigation rehabilitation, basin retention and others.

"Farmer assistance is done massively to monitor the development of plants, to ensure production runs smoothly," he said.

Abdullah from the Bungkang farmer group acknowledging the support of the government is very helpful such as water pump unit, seeds and hand tractor so that rice harvest produces 5.7 tons per hectare.

The productivity of last year´s rice harvest was only five tons per hectare. Thanks to the central government program, the harvest is better," he said.o

As reported, the ministry data states that the national rice cultivation area from July to September 2017 reaches 1.0 - 1.1 million hectares per month or doubled before there is a special program, rice production is only 500,000 hectares per month.

Mr Rusmono said with reference to the Agricultural Data and Information Center or the Pusdatin report that the total area of national rice harvest for December 2017 estimated 1.1 million hectares, which produces 6 million tons of dry grain or equivalent 3 million tons of rice.

Rice production is estimated to meet the national rice consumption requirement of 2.6 million tons, so there is a surplus of 0.4 million tons," he said.

Increased planting area of dry season July to September as permanent solution of Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman after rehabilitation of tertiary irrigation 3.4 million hectares or 113%, development of 2,278 units of ditch/long storage,  expansion and optimization of 1.08 million hectares of land, 367,000 hectares of swampland development, mechanization by agricultural machinery rice transplanter and combine harvester 284,436 units or up 2.175% from 2014. Then, seed aid 12.1 million hectares, subsidized fertilizer 27.64 million tons and insurance of rice farming 1.2 million hectares.