Potensi 28.000 Hektar, Sekretaris BPPSDMP Panen Jagung di OKU Selatan

Indonesia´s South Sumatra Corn Harvest Potential this Mont 28,000 Hectares

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Potensi 28.000 Hektar, Sekretaris BPPSDMP Panen Jagung di OKU Selatan
LUMBUNG JAGUNG: Sekretaris BPPSDMP Kementan, Prihasto Setyanto (kanan) panen jagung dengan Bupati Popo AM dan Wakil Bupati OKU Selatan (Foto2: Humas BPPSDMP)

Muaradua, Sumsel (B2B) - Kementerian Pertanian RI mendorong sekaligus mengapresiasi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Selatan menjadi ´lumbung jagung´ Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, dengan potensi panen 28.000 hektar sampai Maret 2019 dan produktivitas tertinggi 6,3 hingga tujuh ton per hektar dari varietas P32 yang tersebar di 19 kecamatan, sementara lahan terluas dan tertinggi produksinya adalah Kecamatan Buana Pemaca dan Buya Pemaca.

"Pemerintah sangat mendorong untuk peningkatan produksi jagung nasional, meski harga jagung sempat naik karena musim hujan agak mundur sehingga pertanaman pun mundur. Namun saat ini panen jagung berlangsung di seluruh Indonesia, termasuk di OKU Selatan yang diharapkan menjadi lumbung jagung provinsi," kata Prihasto Setyanto, Sekretaris Badan Pusat Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) usai panen jagung Desa Gemiung, Jumat (22/2).

Prihasto S panen jagung bersama Bupati OKU Selatan, Popo Ali Martopo, Kepala Dinas Pertanian, Asep Sudarno dan para petani dari kelompok tani Sekapak Jaya.

Menurutnya, untuk Februari 2019 luas panen jagung di Sumsel mencapai 14.866 hektar dan separuhnya atau 7.380 hektar berada di OKU Selatan. 

"Sementara luas tanam jagung Oktober - Desember 2018 mencapai 27.600 hektar," kata Bupati Popo AM.

Muaradua of South Sumatera (B2B) - Indonesian Agriculture Ministry encourages and appreciates South Ogan Komering Ulu district as the ´corn granary´ of South Sumatra province, harvest potential of 28,000 hectares until March 2019 and highest productivity of 6.3 to seven tons per hectare of P32 varieties grown in 19 sub-districts, while the largest and highest production area is Buana Pemaca and Buya Pemaca sub-districts.

"The government encourages an increase of national corn production, even though the price of corn had risen due to the rainy season so the planting period was backward. But now the corn harvest is taking place across the country, including this district which is expected become a provincial corn granary," said Prihasto Setyanto, the Secretary of Directorate General of Extension and Agricultural HR Development or the BPPSDMP in Gemiung village on Friday (Februari 22).

Prihasto Setyanto corn harvested with the Regent Popo Ali Martopo, Head of the District Agriculture Office, Asep Sudarno and the farmers of Sekapak Jaya farmer group.

According to him, for February 2019 the corn harvest area in South Sumatra reached 14,866 hectares, and half or 7,380 hectares in South Ogan Komering Ulu district.

"While the planting area of corn from October to December 2018 reaches 27,600 hectares," said Regent Martopo.