Swasembada Beras Kembali Terwujud setelah 32 Tahun Terbelenggu Impor

Indonesia Succeed Stop Rice Imports after 32 Years

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Swasembada Beras Kembali Terwujud setelah 32 Tahun Terbelenggu Impor
Tabel dan Data: Pusdatin Kementan

Jakarta (B2B) - Terobosan Kementerian Pertanian RI dalam dua tahun terakhir berhasil mewujudkan swasembada beras dalam 32 tahun terakhir, dengan tidak adanya impor beras sepanjang 2016 sebagai bukti keberhasilan Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman dalam menuntaskan lima masalah mendasar yakni irigasi, pupuk bersubsidi, penyaluran benih, alat mesin pertanian (Alsintan) dan penyuluhan untuk mendorong peningkatan produksi pangan strategis.

Hal itu dikemukakan oleh Ketua MPR RI Zulkifli Hasan, Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR RI Daniel Johan, Anggota Komisi IV DPR RI I Made Urip, Sekjen PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto, Ketua Komite II DPD RI Parlindungan Purba, pengamat pertanian dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Hermanto J Siregar, dan pengamat politik dari Universitas Paramadina Hendri Satrio.

Zulkifli Hasan mengapresiasi kinerja Mentan Amran Sulaiman dalam meningkatkan produksi pertanian dengan menerapkan berbagai kebijakan dan program membangun infrastruktur, sarana produksi, investasi, pascapanen dan hilirisasi, tata niaga pangan, pengendalian impor dan mendorong ekspor komoditas pertanian.

"Kita sama-sama tahu bahwa saat ini untuk menambah lahan pertanian itu sangat sulit, berkurang iya... tetapi penduduk bertambah itu sudah kepastian, sehingga produksi pangan harus ditingkatkan. Karena itu saya mengapresiasi kinerja Mentan Amran Sulaiman atas upaya-upayanya meningkatkan produksi pangan nasional," kata Zulkifli Hasan yang juga Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) di Lampung belum lama ini.

Menurutnya, hal terpenting adalah kebijakan strategis membantu petani khususnya harga komoditas pangan yang kerap anjlok saat panen sehingga merugikan petani, misalnya menetapkan harga batas bawah jagung Rp3.150 per kg, dan pemerintah menjamin akan membeli hasil produksi petani ketika harga jualnya turun.

Daniel Johan menyoroti keberhasilan Indonesia mencapai swasembada beras dalam 32 tahun terakhir, yang menunjukkan bahwa Amran Sulaiman membuktikan kinerjanya sesuai target Presiden RI Joko Widodo  mewujudkan ketahanan pangan, khususnya beras dengan meningkatnya produksi padi 4,97% pada 2016.

"Kalau berdasarkan data produksi Kementan, swasembada harusnya sudah tercapai dari tahun lalu, karena produksi beras melampaui kebutuhan konsumen," kata politisi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB).

Dukungan TNI AD
Anggota Komisi IV DPR, I Made Urip menyoroti terobosan Mentan Amran Sulaiman menjalin kemitraan dengan TNI AD dan kementerian lain sebagai upaya melepaskan ego sektoral sehingga terjalin kemitraan terpadu mulai hulu sampai hilir, dan tercatat 51.000 anggota TNI AD di seluruh Indonesia mendukung pengawalan dan pendampingan Upaya Khusus Padi, Jagung, dan Kedelai (Upsus Pajale).

"Kinerja positif ini ke depan patut dipertahankan, bukan hanya untuk produksi padi tapi juga produksi pangan lainnya," kata politisi PDIP tersebut.

Sekjen PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto menilai kinerja Mentan Amran Sulaiman cukup baik, namun menurutnya yang paling mengetahui hal itu adalah Presiden Joko Widodo.

Ketua Komite II DPD RI Parlindungan Purba menguraikan hasil swasembada beras pada 2016 dengan pencapaian produksi padi 79,14 juta ton sebagai prestasi luar biasa, di tengah meningkatnya konversi lahan seperti di Provinsi Sumatera Utara yang tergerus untuk perumahan, namun sinergi pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah mampu mengatasi kendala tersebut melalui kebijakan luas tambah tanam.

"Lahan pertanian di Sumut itu terus tergerus untuk perumahan. Namun dengan upaya luas tambah tanam, dari biasanya menanam satu kali menjadi dua kali, dari dua kali tanam menjadi tiga kali, dan hasilnya produksi padi di Sumut meningkat signifikan," katanya.

Tantangan Berat
Pengamat pertanian dari IPB Hermanto J Siregar mengapresiasi upaya-upaya Kementan mengatasi permasalahan mendasar sektor pertanian dalam dua tahun terakhir, namun dia mengingatkan pemerintah tidak boleh lengah meskipun produksi padi 2016 meningkat signifikan,
karena tantangan ke depan semakin berat.

"Sudah saatnya pemerintah memanfaatkan teknologi satelit yang lebih canggih diiringi dengan survei lapangan sehingga hasilnya lebih akurat seperti diterapkan negara-negara tetangga," kata Hermanto.

Pengamat politik dari Universitas Paramadina Hendri Satrio mengapresiasi kinerja Mentan Amran Sulaiman sebagai sosok mumpuni untuk memenuhi target yang ditetapkan Presiden Jokowi, indikatornya adalah mencapai swasembada beras setelah 32 tahun terbelenggu impor beras lantaran produksi beras nasional tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Agriculture Ministry in last two years succeed stop rice imports within last 32 years, without rice imports in 2016 as proof of success of Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman to resolve five key issues of agriculture such as irrigation, subsidized fertilizer, seed free, the machine agriculture, and agricultural extension to boost the production of strategic food.

It was stated by by Assembly Speaker Zulkifli Hasan, Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the House Daniel Johan, member of parliament I Made Urip, Secretary General the Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto, Chairman of Senate Committee II Parlindungan Purba, agricultural analyst of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Herman J Siregar and political analyst of Paramadina University Hendri Satrio.

Mr Hasan appreciate Minister Solomon encourage increased food production by implementing various policies and programs related to infrastructure, production facilities, investment, post-harvest and downstream, food trade system, controlling the import and export of agricultural commodities.

"We know to increase the area of wetland is very difficult, even reduced .. but the population increased, so that food production must be increased. I really appreciate Minister Sulaiman for its efforts to increase national food production," said Mr Hasan who is also Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN ) in Lampung recently.

According to him, the most important thing is the strategic policy of supporting farmers in particular food commodity prices often fall during harvest to the detriment of farmers, for example, corn prices lower limit of 3,150 rupiah per kg and the government guarantee to buy the production of farmers when prices fall.

Daniel Johan assess the success of Indonesia achieve rice self-sufficiency within last 32 years, which indicates that Mr Sulaiman able to achieve the target set by President Joko Widodo to achieve food security, particularly rice with paddy production increased 4.96% in 2016.

"Based on data production of the ministry, self-sufficiency in rice should have been achieved last year, because rice production exceeds the needs of consumers," said the politician of the National Awakening Party (PKB).

The Army Support
I Made Urip unravel the breakthrough Minister Sulaiman took the Army and other ministries as an effort to break the sectoral ego to cooperate from upstream to downstream, and about 51,000 soldiers across the country to support increased production of rice, corn, and soybeans.

"This positive performance should be maintained, not only for paddy production also other food production," said the politician of PDIP.

Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto said Minister Sulaiman performance is quite good, but most know is the President Joko Widodo.

Parlindungan Purba describes the results of rice self-sufficiency by 2016, with production of 79.14 million tonnes of paddy as a remarkable achievement, amid the threat of land conversion for example in North Sumatra province that became area of settlement, however synergy of central government and local governments were able to overcome these obstacles by adding of time planting.

"Agricultural land in North Sumatra continued to erode for housing. However with adding of time planting, rice planting from one to two times, two times to three times  and rice production increased significantly," he said.

The Future Challenges
Agricultural analyst of IPB Herman J Siregar appreciate efforts of Agriculture Ministry overcome the fundamental problems of agricultural sector in last two years, but he warned the government not to be careless although paddy production in 2016 increased significantly, the challenge ahead is also more severe.

"The government should utilize satellite technology which is supported by field surveys as applied by other countries," Mr Siregar said.

Political analyst Hendri Satrio appreciated the performance of Mr. Sulaiman as being qualified to meet the target set by President Jokowi, the indicator is self-sufficient in rice after 32 years of depending on imported rice because national production unable to meet consumer needs.