Terolah 35 Ribu Ha, PJ Upsus Sumsel Yakin 80% Target Banyuasin Terealisir

Indonesian Govt is Optimistic the South Sumatra Rice Planting Target will be Achieved

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Terolah 35 Ribu Ha, PJ Upsus Sumsel Yakin 80% Target Banyuasin Terealisir
100 BABINSA: PJ Upsus Sumsel, Momon Rusmono memimpin apel siaga pelepasan 100 Babinsa di Markas Korem 044 Dempo - Kodam Sriwijaya (Foto2: Humas BPPSDMP Kementan/Pito)

Palembang, Sumsel (B2B) - Gerakan ´percepatan olah lahan´ di Kabupaten Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan mencapai 35.000 hektar setelah dicanangkan dan dipimpin langsung oleh PJ Upsus Sumsel, Momon Rusmono pada 21 September 2018, sehingga target 80% luas tambah tanam (LTT) dari potensi lahan 192.000 hektar diyakini terealisir untuk mengantisipasi  hujan menyongsong musim tanam April - September.

Hal itu dikemukakan Momon Rusmono pada apel siaga pelepasan 100 bintara pembina desa (Babinsa) di markas Korem 044 Dempo, Palembang, Kamis pagi (13/9). Tampak hadir Kasrem 044 Dempo, Letkol Inf Muhammad Sjahroni; PJ Upsus Banyuasin, Andriko Notosusanto; Kabid Tanaman Pangan Dinas Pertanian Pemprov Sumsel, Ilfantara dan sejumlah pejabat terkait.

"Potensi tanam padi di Banyuasin untuk September ini luar biasa. Kalau 80 persen saja terealisir dari target akan mendukung indeks pertanaman atau IP menjadi 200 maka produktivitasnya akan bagus. Sampai September, lahan yang sudah diolah mencapai 35 ribu hektar. Inshaa Allah target dari kementerian bisa tercapai," kata Momon Rusmono, yang juga menjabat Kepala Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) Kementerian Pertanian RI.

Potensi lahan padi Provinsi Sumatera Selatan saat ini mencapai 615.000 hektar, 30% atau 192.000 hektar berada di Kabupaten Banyuasin, sehingga hasil produksi padi Banyuasin mempengaruhi cadangan pangan provinsi maupun kebutuhan nasional.

Dia mengharapkan tim di lapangan untuk koordinasi dengan para penyuluh pertanian, Gapoktan dan Poktan untuk melakukan identifikasi potensi lahan yang siap tanam dan siap olah. Kalau sudah siap tanam, maka optimalkan dengan memanfaatkan Alsintan agar efektif dan efisien.

"Potensi pertanian Sumsel saat ini 615 ribu hektar, 30 persen ada di Banyuasin atau 192 ribu hektar. Kalau Banyuasin tidak optimal akan mempengaruhi cadangan beras provinsi dan nasional. Itu sebabnya, saya harus turun langsung menggerakkan olah lahan di tiap kabupaten" kata Momon Rusmono dalam arahannya.

Dia mengingatkan bahwa 80% dari target 192.000 hektar harus terealisir yang dioptimalkan melalui pengolahan lahan untuk mengantisipasi musim tanam April - September.

"Kalau tidak bisa menanam padi di Agustus ini,  tunda ke September dan Oktober setelah turun hujan. Jangan menyerah untuk mencapai target tanam, kemarau kita antisipasi dengan olah lahan dulu, maka waktu tanam dalam satuan waktu bisa kita capai," katanya.

PJ Upsus Sumsel mengakui curah hujan di Sumsel masih di bawah 100 mm, tapi jangan menyerah pada kondisi alam maka Kementan bersama para pemangku kepentingan tingkat desa, kecamatan, kabupaten, hingga provinsi harus bekerja keras mencapai target LTT.

Penyuluh pertanian dan Babinsa harus membimbing, mendorong, memantau dan mengawasi. Petani itu sangat mudah diajak bekerja sama, karena mereka harus menanam padi untuk penghidupannya," katanya.

Palembang of South Sumatera (B2B) - The acceleration program for agricultural land in Banyuasin district of South Sumatra province reaches 35,000 hectares after it was launched and led by Person in Charge of Increase Rice Production for the province Momon Rusmono on September 21, 2018, so that the target is 80% extensification of rice planting of the potential of 192,000 hectares believed to be realized to anticipate the April - September planting season.

It was stated by Mr Rusmono here on Thursday morning (September 13). Also attended by Chief of Staff of the South Sumatra Military Resort Command, Lt. Col. Muhammad Sjahroni; PJ Upsus Banyuasin, Andriko Notosusanto; Head of Food Crop of the Provincial Agriculture Office, Ilfantara and number of related officials.

"The potential for rice planting in Banyuasin for September is extraordinary. If the realized 80 percent of the target will support the cropping index. Until September, the cultivated land reached 35 thousand hectares. Inshaa Allah the target of the ministry can be achieved," said Mr Rusmono who was also served as the Director General of Agency for Agricultural Extension and Human Resources Development or the BPPSDMP.

The potential of South Sumatra province´s rice fields currently reaches 615,000 hectares, and 30% or 192,000 hectares are in the Banyuasin district, so that Banyuasin rice production affects provincial food reserves and national needs. 

"The current agricultural potential of South Sumatra is 615 thousand hectares, 30 percent is in Banyuasin or 192 thousand hectares. Banyuasin will not optimally affect rice production at the provincial level, and have an impact on national reserves, that´s why I went down immediately to encourage the cultivation of rice fields," Mr Rusmono said.

He set a target of 80% of the potential of 192,000 hectares to be optimized through processing rice fields to anticipate the April to September planting season.

"If you can´t rice planting in August, delay to September and October after it rains. Don´t give up reaching the planting target, dry season we anticipate by processing the land first, then we can achieve the planting time in units of time," Mr Rusmono said.

Mr Rusmono admitted that rainfall in South Sumatra was still below 100 mm, but don´t give up on natural db, the ministry of agriculture is supported by stakeholders from the village to subdistrict, district, and provincial levels, they must work hard to achieve the target of extensification of rice crops.

"Agricultural extensionist and village supervisors must guide, encourage, monitor and supervise. The farmers are very easy to work with because they have to plant rice for their livelihood," he said.