Tuding Dicurangi FIFA, Timnas Wanita Kamerun Histeris Kalah dari Inggris
How England had to Put Up with Cameroon`s Appalling Behaviour during World Cup Clash
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

PARA pesepakbola wanita Kamerun menangis marah setelah gol pada babak pertama diberikan kepada Inggris setelah mereka berjuang menjalani 16 pertandingan Piala Dunia terakhir mereka dengan penggunaan VAR, di tengah tudingan FIFA melancarkan rasisme.
Ellen White menempatkan bola ke bagian belakang gawang pada paruh waktu, dan hakim garis mengangkat bendera pertanda offside.
“Kami hanya mendengar dari reporter kami, Jo Curry di terowongan bahwa para pemain pemain Kamerun menangis histeris seraya menuding FIFA melakukan rasisme," seperti dilansir MailOnline.
CAMEROON players were left in tears of fury after a first-half goal was awarded to England during their last 16 World Cup clash with the use of VAR, with some accusing FIFA of racism as a result.
Ellen White put the ball into the back of the net on the cusp of half-time, only for the linesman to raise the flag for offside.
We´re just hearing from our reporter Jo Curry in the tunnel that there are tears from the Cameroon players, accusing FIFA of racism.