Dies Natalis ke-60, Presiden Jokowi Apresiasi IPB Berkontribusi Pecahkan Masalah Bangsa

President Encourages IPB to Be More Contributive to Solving Nation´s Problems

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Dies Natalis ke-60, Presiden Jokowi Apresiasi IPB Berkontribusi Pecahkan Masalah Bangsa
DIES NATALIS: Presiden Jokowi menghadiri Sidang Terbuka Dies Natalis ke-60 IPB, di Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Bogor, Jabar [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengapresiasi dan mendorong peran IPB dalam memecahkan tantangan bangsa.

Hal ini disampaikan Jokowi dalam Sidang Terbuka Institut Pertanian Bogor [IPB] dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-60, Jumat [15/09], di Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

"Saya ingin menyampaikan kepada keluarga besar Institut Pertanian Bogor, selamat Dies Natalis yang ke-60. Semoga IPB semakin jaya dan semakin kontributif untuk memecahkan permasalahan bangsa dan berkontribusi untuk kemajuan bangsa," ujar Jokowi mengawali pidatonya.

Lebih lanjut, Jokowi juga mengapresiasi berbagai inovasi yang telah dilakukan oleh IPB, terutama dalam hilirisasi di sektor pertanian.

"Saya tadi waktu masuk sudah ditunjukkan oleh Pak Rektor, banyak sekali inovasi-inovasi yang menghilirkan hilirisasi dari inovasi bisa masuk ke industri dan saya harus menyampaikan apa adanya, luar biasa," ujarnya.

Sejumlah hasil inovasi yang dilihat Presiden adalah cabai merah berukuran besar, bibit padi khusus untuk daerah tandus, hingga garam dan rumput laut yang dikemas dengan kemasan yang sangat baik.

"Ada beras yang satu hektarenya bisa menghasilkan 12 ton, ada garam, rumput laut, ada macam-macam dengan kemasan-kemasan yang sudah sangat modern, dengan brand yang sangat kelihatan sekali digarap dengan sentuhan marketing yang sangat bagus," ujarnya.

Jokowi pun meminta jajarannya untuk memanfaatkan produk hasil inovasi dari IPB tersebut.

"Ini Pak Menteri Pertanian yang beras tadi diambil itu, yang cabai gede-gede juga diambil,  berikan ke petani sebanyak-banyaknya, wong barangnya jelas sekali," tandasnya.

Bogor, Jabar [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended the Open Session of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) on the occasion of its 60th Anniversary, Friday (15/09/2023), at the IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, West Java. In his speech the President appreciated and encouraged IPB's role in solving the nation's challenges.

“I would like to convey to the big family of the Bogor Agricultural Institute, happy 60th Anniversary. "Hopefully IPB will be more successful and more contributive to solving the nation's problems and contributing to the nation's progress," said the President, starting his speech.

Furthermore, the President also appreciated the various innovations that have been carried out by IPB, especially in downstreaming in the agricultural sector.

"When I came in, the Chancellor showed me that there are a lot of innovations that can make downstream innovations enter industry and I have to convey what they are, they are extraordinary," he said.

A number of innovation results that the President saw were large red chilies, special rice seeds for barren areas, and salt and seaweed which were packaged in very good packaging.

"There is rice, one hectare of which can produce 12 tons, there is salt, seaweed, there are all kinds with very modern packaging, with very visible  brands  that have been worked on with a very good marketing touch," he said.

The President also asked his staff to utilize the innovative products from IPB.

"This is the Minister of Agriculture who took the rice, the big chilies were also taken, give them as much as possible to the farmers, people , the goods are very clear," he said.