Kuota Pupuk Subsidi Naik jadi 9,55 juta tom
Indonesian Govt Increases Subsidized Fertilizer Quota to 955 Million Tons
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta [B2B] - Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menaikkan kuantum pupuk pada anggaran tahun 2024 dari 4,7 juta ton menjadi 9,55 juta ton.
Hal tersebut disampaikan Amran usai mengikuti rapat terbatas (ratas) yang dipimpin oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi), di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta, Senin (26/2).
"Diputuskan dalam ratas, atas arahan Bapak Presiden, keputusan Bapak Presiden jumlah kuantum pupuk dari anggarannya tahun 2024 4,7 juta ton dinaikkan menjadi 9,55 juta ton tahun 2024," ujar Amran.
Dengan adanya penambahan ini, kata Mentan, para petani tak perlu risau akan ketersediaan pupuk karena saat ini dalam kondisi cukup. Ia pun berharap agar petani dapat fokus untuk meningkatkan produktivitas guna mewujudkan swasembada pangan.
"Ini kabar baik, kabar untuk petani, seluruh petani Indonesia. Insyaallah petani tidak usah lagi risau, khawatir dengan pupuk," ujarnya.
Terkait ketersediaan beras, Mentan memperkirakan akan ada penambahan pasokan seiring dengan panen raya pada beberapa bulan mendatang.
"Tanaman kita di bulan Desember, Januari, Februari itu kurang lebih di atas satu juta hektare. Artinya apa? Produksinya itu 3,5 juta ton diperkirakan di bulan Maret, kemudian bulan April dan Mei itu di atas daripada kebutuhan, jadi insyaallah aman," ujarnya.
Amran menegaskan, pihaknya juga terus berupaya untuk mengurangi dampak dari El Nino terhadap sektor pertanian.
"Kita melakukan akselerasi tanam dengan melakukan pompanisasi di Pulau Jawa, memompa air sungai yang ada, seperti Jawa timur, Sungai Bengawan Solo, Cimanuk dan seterusnya, kita pompa ke sawah-sawah, upland, sawah-sawah tadah hujan itu kita pompa naik. Itu strategi untuk memitigasi risiko El Nino. Kemudian, yang kedua adalah kita optimalisasi lahan rawa yang IP-nya itu hanya satu kali, kita jadikan dua kali dan tiga kali," tandasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - The government has decided to increase the quantum of fertilizer in the 2024 budget from 4.7 million tonnes to 9.55 million tonnes.
Amran conveyed this after attending a limited meeting (ratas) chaired by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, Monday (26/2).
"It was decided in the meeting, at the direction of the President, that the quantum of fertilizer from his 2024 budget of 4.7 million tons was increased to 9.55 million tons in 2024," said Amran.
With this addition, said the Minister of Agriculture, farmers do not need to worry about the availability of fertilizer because currently it is sufficient. He also hopes that farmers can focus on increasing productivity to achieve food self-sufficiency.
"This is good news, news for farmers, all Indonesian farmers. God willing, farmers no longer need to worry about fertilizer," he said.
Regarding the availability of rice, the Minister of Agriculture estimates that there will be additional supplies in line with the big harvest in the next few months.
"Our crops in December, January and February are more or less over one million hectares. What does that mean? Production is estimated at 3.5 million tons in March, then in April and May it is above the requirement, so God willing, it will be safe," he said.
Amran emphasized that his party also continues to strive to reduce the impact of El Nino on the agricultural sector.
"We accelerate planting by pumping on the island of Java, pumping existing river water, such as East Java, the Bengawan Solo River, Cimanuk and so on, we pump it into the rice fields, upland, we pump up the rain-fed rice fields. That's "strategy to mitigate the risk of El Nino. Then, the second is that we optimize the swamp land which only has one IP, we make it twice and three times," he said.