BPS: Kinerja Ekspor Dorong Pertumbuhan Positif Sektor Pertanian

Food Exports Triggered the Positive Growth of Indonesia`s Agricultural Sector

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

BPS: Kinerja Ekspor Dorong Pertumbuhan Positif Sektor Pertanian
Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman (kemeja putih) melepas ekspor hortikultura di Surabaya (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) melansir pertumbuhan ekonomi RI Triwulan III 2018 mencapai 5,17% (year on year). Sementara pertumbuhan sektor pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan mencapai 3,62% tahun ini dibandingkan 2017 (year on year) yang hanya mencapai 3,18%.

Subsektor hortikultura mencatat pertumbuhan tertinggi, 7,85% (year on year). Sementara bila dibandingkan triwulan sebelumnya, subsektor mencatat pertumbuhan sebesar 0,86%. Peningkatan ekspor ditenggarai turut mendorong kinerja positif subsektor hortikultura.  

“Meningkatnya permintaan luar negeri berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan subsektor hortikultura,” kata Kepala BPS Suhariyanto kepada pers di Jakarta, Senin (5/11).

Subsektor peternakan juga turut berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan positif sektor pertanian. Dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, peternakan tumbuh sebesar 5,12%. Kontribusi peternakan ditenggarai karena meningkatnya permintaan hewan kurban pada hari raya Idul Adha. 

“Seperti kita ketahui pada triwulan III terdapat momen Idul Adha," kata Suhariyanto.

Pertanian juga turut berperan dalam pertumbuhan positif sektor industri pengolahan untuk makanan dan minuman. Industri pengolahan tumbuh 4,33%, sementara subsektor industri makanan dan minuman tumbuh sebesar 8,10% (year on year) dan 3,45% (quarter to quarter). 

Pertumbuhan positif ini didorong oleh peningkatan produksi minyak sawit metah atau crude palm oil (CPO). 

Pertumbuhan sektor pertanian pada triwulan III tak lepas dari meningkatnya ekspor pertanian, terutama komoditas hortikultura. 

Kementerian Pertanian melalui Ditjen Hortikultura menargetkan ekspor 2018 untuk komoditas-komoditas hortikultura mencapai Rp 2,23 miliar. Produk hortikultura yang diminati pasar luar negeri antara lain tanaman hias, manggis, salak, dan bawang merah. 

Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman mengatakan bahwa ekspor pertanian perlu digiatkan dengan tujuan untuk menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi bangsa, sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. 

“(Penggiatan ekspor) ini adalah perintah Bapak Presiden. Negara kita atau pertumbuhan ekonomi bisa bangkit karena dua hal, yaitu ekspor dan investasi. Ke depan, dua hal ini kita dorong terus,” kata Mentan di Surabaya, belum lama ini.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Statistics Agency announces Indonesia´s economic growth in the third quarter 2018 reached 5.17% (year on year). The growth of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector this year is 3.62% compared to 2017 (year on year) only 3.18%.

The horticulture subsector recorded the highest growth, 7.85% (year on year), and compared to the previous quarter, only 0.86%. Increased exports of horticultural encourage positive performance of this subsector.

"Increasing foreign demand has a positive impact on the growth of the horticulture subsector," said the Head of Central Statistics Agency, Suhariyanto to the press here on Monday (November 5).

The livestock subsector also contributes to the positive growth of the agricultural sector. Compared to the previous year, the livestock subsector grew 5.12%, because of the increasing demand for sacrificial animals on the Eid al-Adha.

"As we know in the third quarter there was a moment of Eid al-Adha," said Suhariyanto, who goes by one name, like many Indonesians.

The agricultural sector also contributed to the positive growth in the processing industry sector for food and beverages. The processing industry grew 4.33%, while the food and beverage industry subsector grew 8.10% (year on year) and 3.45% (quarter to quarter).

The positive growth was driven by the increase of crude palm oil (CPO) production.

The growth of the agricultural sector in the third quarter was related to increasing agricultural exports, especially horticultural commodities.

The Ministry of Agriculture targets 2018 exports for horticultural commodities to reach IDR2.23 billion. Horticulture products that are in demand by foreign markets include ornamental plants, mangosteen, zalacca, and shallots.

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman said that agricultural exports must be increased to maintain Indonesia´s economic growth, while at the same time increasing people´s welfare.

"Increasing exports is the president´s order. Indonesia´s economic growth can rise due to two things, exports and investment," said Minister Sulaiman recently.