Berita Foto Koordinasi Tanam Kedelai Serentak 20 Provinsi via Teleconference

Indonesian Minister Coordinates with 20 Provinces via Teleconference

KOORDINASI, integrasi, dan efisiensi menjadi pilihan Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman untuk memantau kegiatan tanam kedelai serentak di 20 provinsi melalui layar monitor teleconference dari ruang kerjanya di kawasan Ragunan, Jakarta pada Jumat (6/10).

Sekjen Kementan Hari Priono tampak mendampingi Mentan saat koordinasi dengan bupati dan dinas di provinsi terkait, hal itu dilakukan Kementerian Pertanian untuk mencapai target swasembada kedelai sesuai amanat Nawa Cita Presiden RI Joko Widodo.

"Ada kesulitan benih?" tanya Mentan saat tersambung ke Kalimantan Selatan.

"Libatkan para pemuda agar mereka mau terjun ke sektor pertanian," kata Mentan kepada 20 provinsi peserta teleconference melalui layar monitor.

Sasaran produksi kedelai 2018 ditetapkan 3 juta ton, dengan prognosa kebutuhan 2,6 juta ton. Harga kedelai dijamin pemerintah melalui harga pembelian pemerintah (HPP) Rp8.500 per kg sesuai Permendag Nomor 27/M-DAG/PER/5/2017 untuk menjamin kesejahteraan petani. (Foto2: Humas Kementan)

COORDINATION, integration and efficiency were selected by Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman to monitor simultaneous soybean planting in 20 provinces
via teleconference from his office in Ragunan, Jakarta on Friday (October 6).

Secretary General of the ministry, Hari Priono attended the coordination activities with regents and related agencies to support the achievement of target soybean self-sufficiency targeted by President Joko Widodo.

"Having trouble getting the seeds?" Minister Sulaiman asked the regent in South Borneo province.

"Invite the youth to participate in farming," he said to 20 provinces of teleconference participants.

The target of Indonesia's soybean production in 2018 is set at 3 million tons, with a prognosis of 2.6 million tons.

The target of Indonesia's soybean production in 2018 is set at 3 million tons, with a prognosis of 2.6 million tons. Soybean price is guaranteed by the government through government purchasing price of 8,500 rupiah per kg in accordance with trade minister's regulation to guarantee the welfare of farmers.