100.000 dari 170 Judul Buku Terlarang Disusun jadi Replika Parthenon, Ini Buktinya

Artist Builds a Life-size Replica of the Parthenon using 100,000 Banned Books

INI ADALAH replika kuil Yunani Parthenon, tapi bukan terbuat dari marmer tapi disusun dari 100.000 buku terlarang. Kuil modern ini dinamai `Parthenon dari Buku` sebagai bagian utama dari eksibisi Documenta 14 tahun ini di kota Kassel, Jerman. Dibuat oleh seniman konseptual Marta Minuj tujuannya membangkitkan perdebatan seputar penyensoran.

Pantheon ini dipasang di tempat yang sama ketika Nazi Jerman membakar buku-buku karya penulis Yahudi atau Marxis pada 1933. 170 judul buku yang dipakai antara lain Injil, karya Salman Rushdie dan Petualangan Tom Sawyer karya Mark Twain.

Parthenon asli, bekas kuil, pertama kali dibuat pada 447 SM, di atas bukit Acropolis di Athena. Ini adalah salah satu tempat wisata yang paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia. Instalasi ini dibangun dengan dimensi yang sama dengan Parthenon asli.

Diselenggarakan oleh Adam Szymczyk, The Documenta 14 adalah pameran seni kontemporer. Pertama kali berlangsung pada 2012 dan menarik 905.000 orang. Pertunjukan 100 hari ini, tahun ini, menargetkan satu juta pengunjung seperti dilansir MailOnline.

IT`S A REPLICA of Greek temple the Parthenon, but instead of marble this installation is made from 100,000 banned books. The creation, called 'The Parthenon of Books', is the centre piece of this year's Documenta 14 exhibition in German city Kassel. Created by conceptual artist Marta Minuj its aim is to stir debate around censorship.

It has also been installed at the same site where Nazis burned books by Jewish or Marxist writers in 1933. The 170 titles that form the building include the Bible, Salman Rushdies The Satanic Verses and Mark Twains The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

The original Parthenon, a former temple, was first created in 447 BC, on the hill of the Acropolis in Athens. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. This installation was built with the same dimensions of the real-life Parthenon. Metal grills were first installed and then the books, which were covered in plastic, were wedged into place by volunteers on cranes.

Organised by Adam Szymczyk, The Documenta 14 is an exhibition of contemporary art. It last took place in 2012 and attracted 905,000 people. The 100-day show is, this year, expecting one million visitors. (Pictures of MailOnline)