Kunker Sumsel, Berita Foto Sesba BPPSDMP di SMK PP Negeri Sembawa

News in Pics of Senior Indonesian Officials Visit South Sumatera Province

SEDIKITNYA 60 guru dan karyawan SMK PP Negeri Sembawa menghadiri kegiatan pembinaan oleh Sekretaris Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian [BPPSDMP] Prihasto Setyanto di Banyuasing, belum lama ini.

Prihasto mengingatkan tentang Indeks Penerapan Nilai Budaya Kerja [IPNBK] yang mencerminkan sikap seorang pegawai yang harus memiliki komitmen, keteladanan, profesionalisme, integritas dan disiplin.

"Kedepan, budidaya pertanian ramah lingkungan, ramah iklim, pengelolaan limbah, dan pemanfaatan air, misalnya dengan biopori di kebun jambu," kata Prihasto didampingi Kepala Sekolah SMK PP Negeri Sembawa, Mattobi'i. [Foto2: Sekretariat BPPSDMP/Surahman]

AT LEAST 60 South Sumatera's Sembawa Livestocks Polytechnic Middle School or the SMK PP Negeri Sembawa participated in a coaching activity by Prihasto Setyanto, Secretary of Directorate General of Extension and Agricultural HR Development or the BPPSDMP in Banyuasin district of South Sumatera province, recently.

Setyanto reminded about the Application of Work Culture Value Index or the IPNBK which reflects the attitude of civil servants who must have commitment, professionalism, integrity and discipline.

"In the future, environmentally friendly agricultural cultivation, climate friendliness, waste management, and utilization of water, for example by biopori in guava gardens," Setyanto said.