Barantan Dukung Ekspor Nonmigas Sumsel, Ini Foto-foto Kunker Ali Jamil

News in Pics of Senior Indonesian Officials Visit Palembang City

Ali Jamil [kacamata hitam] dan Gubernur H Herman Deru [kemeja putih]

BADAN Karantina Pertanian [Barantan] bergerak cepat mendukung percepatan layanan sertifikat kesehatan tumbuhan atau Phytosanitary Certificate untuk ekspor komoditas pertanian unggulan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan.

Kepala Badan Karantina Pertanian [Barantan] Ali Jamil menyerahkan sertifikat phytosanitary kepada Gubernur H Herman Deru di Pelabuhan Boom Baru, Palembang pada Jumat [15/3] saat melepas ekspor karet, kelapa bulat dan kopi senilai Rp27,1 miliar menuju Jepang, Finlandia, China dan Inggris.

Ekspor nonmigas Sumsel pada 2018 hanya US$1,4 miliar atau 0,89% dari total ekspor nonmigas Indonesia tahun lalu yang mencapai US$162,8 miliar seperti dilansir Badan Pusat Statistik atau BPS. [Foto2: B2B/Gusmiati Waris]

THE DIRECTORATE General of Agricultural Quarantine at the Indonesian Agriculture Ministry or the Barantan support the acceleration of Phytosanitary Certificate for agricultural commodity exports of South Sumatra province.

Director General of Barantan, Ali Jamil handed over the Phytosaniatary Certificate to South Sumatera Governor, H Herman Deru in Boom Baru Port, Palembang city on Friday [March 15] on shipping rubber, coconut and coffee export commodities to Japan, Finland, China and Britain. Total exports of IDR27.1 billion.

South Sumatra's total exports in 2018 only US$1.4 billion or 0.89% of Indonesia's total non-oil and gas exports last year reached US$162.8 billion as reported by the Central Statistics Agency. [$1 = 14,255.0000 rupiah]