Presiden Obama 8 Tahun di Gedung Putih, Ini Foto-fotonya

White House Photographer Has Released His Favorite Pictures of the Past Eight Years

SAAT dia bersiap meninggalkan Gedung Putih dengan peringkat kesuksesan pemerintahan tertinggi sejak 2009, namun peringkat karier sebanding dengan Richard Nixon, fotografer resmi Presiden Obama menampilkan hasil karyanya bersama sang bos.

Bermain di salju dengan putri Malia dan Sasha pada Februari 2010, menjadi pengalaman tak terlupakan bagi Pete Souza selama delapan tahun menjadi fotografer Gedung Putih dengan Presiden AS ke-44 dan keluarganya.

Fotografer Souza mengunggah foto-foto menarik tersebut di Instagram, Selasa, seraya mengaku tidak bisa memilih foto karyanya yang paling disukainya karena semua menarik seperti dilansir MailOnline.

AS HE prepares to leave office with his approval ratings at their highest since 2009, but a career approval rating comparable to Richard Nixon, President Obama's official photographer has revealed his favorite day with the boss.

Playing in the snow with daughters Malia and Sasha in February 2010, the happy scene is just one of White House photographer Pete Souza's cherished pictures taken during his eight years with the president and First Family.

Souza posted an emotional message on Instagram on Tuesday, explaining how he could not choose just one favorite photo of the President. (Pictures of MailOnline)