Pasar Murah Idul Adha Kementan-Bulog-Kemendag dalam Berita Foto

Indonesia`s Staple Goods Bazaar Ahead of the Eid al-Adha

PERUSAHAAN Umum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) bersama Kementerian Pertanian RI dan Kementerian Perdagangan RI mengadakan pasar murah menjelang Hari Raya Idul Adha 1436H, dengan mendistribusikan 140 ton beras, 48 ekor sapi, dan delapan ton daging sapi ke konsumen.

"Saya berharap beras, sapi dan daging sapi yang dilepas ke pasar ini tidak langsung laris di pasar, yang artinya pasokan ke pasar stabil, kalau cepat laris berarti pasar tidak stabil," kata Direktur Utama Perum Bulog, Djarot Kusumayakti kepada pers di Gudang Bulog Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara pada Selasa (22/9).

Menterian Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman menilai pasar murah ini memberi pesan bahwa stok beras aman dengan stok 1,7 juta ton. Alhamdulillah belum ada impor beras sampai hari ini, perjuangan luar biasa bersama Mendag dan Bulog untuk stabilkan produksi dalam negeri."

Turut hadir Direktur Bahan Pokok dan Barang Strategis Kemendag Robert James Bintaryo, dan Direktur Pengadaan Perum Bulog Wahyu Suparyono (Foto2: Humas Kementan/Abiyadun Masykur)

PUBLIC Company of Indonesian Logistics Agency along with Indonesian Agriculture Ministry and Trade Ministry held a bazaar ahead of the Eid al-Adha 1436H, by distributing 140 tons of rice, 48 head of cattle, and eight tons of beef to the market.

"I expect the supply of rice, cattle and the beef is not sold on the market, meaning the supply of goods to the market is stable," President Director of Bulog, Djarot Kusumayakti told the press at the Bulog Warehouse at Kelapa Gading of North Jakarta on Tuesday (9/22).

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman said the bazaar convey the message that the rice supply is stable with reserves of 1.7 million tons. Thank God there are no imported rice until today, the result of government efforts to stabilize domestic production."

Also attended Director of Staples and Strategic Goods of Trade Ministry, Robert James Bintaryo, and Director of Procurement Bulog Wahyu Suparyono (Pictures of Agriculture Ministry's Public Relations/Abiyadun Masykur)