Gelar Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian di Kementan

Agricultural Products Processing Technology Exhibition in Ministry of Agriculture

Wakil Menteri Pertanian meninjau booth peserta gelar teknologi yang diikuti pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah dalam industri dan perdagangan pengolahan hasil pertanian.
Vice Minister of Agriculture exhibitor booth reviewed the that followed the technology small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing and trading of agricultural processing.

WAKIL Menteri Pertanian, Rusman Heriawan membuka Gelar Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian di Kementerian Pertanian, Jakarta, Rabu (24/4) dan akan berlangsung hingga hari ini, Kamis (25/4). *Foto2: B2B/Mya

VICE Minister of Agriculture, Rusman Heriawan opening Exhibition of Agricultural Products Processing Technology in the Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/4) and will last until today, Thursday (25/4). * Photos: B2B/Mya