Foto-foto Hasil Restorasi Ungkap Aksi Prajurit AS di Pasifik pada Perang Dunia II

Pictures Reveal the US Soldiers Went to Capture Pacific Islands from the Japanese in WWII

INILAH foto-foto yang belum pernah dipublikasikan ini memperlihatkan aksi tentara AS yang berupaya merebut beberapa pulau di Kepulauan Pasifik yang diduduki Jepang pada Perang Dunia II (PD II).

Foto-foto tersebut dipublikasikan hari ini untuk memperingati ulang tahun keterlibatan AS pada PD II, dan memperlihatkan keberhasilan penyerangan dan penguasaan Tarawa Atol pada November 1943.

Pasukan militer AS difoto saat mereka menyeberang laut menuju ke pantai, sementara yang lain melihat sekelompok tentara berlindung di belakang sebuah tank.

Salah satu foto hasil restorasi warna Royston Leonard, menunjukkan sisi prajurit yang lebih lembut, ketika memberi makan seekor kucing di bawah roda tank tempur.

Foto-foto lain lain menunjukkan tentara Amerika mengacungkan senapan mereka setelah menangkap tentara Jepang, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

THESE previously unseen colourised photos show the lengths which US soldiers went to during America's attempts to capture several Pacific Islands from the Japanese during the Second World War.

The images were published today to mark the anniversary of the America's drive across the region, showing the successful assault and capture of the Tarawa Atoll in November 1943.

Troops were photographed as they made their way through the ocean in full uniform heading to the shore, while another sees a group of soldiers taking cover behind a tank.

One of the images, restored by colouriser Royston Leonard, shows the softer side of soldiers, with one crouching beside a tank to give a kitten a drink of water.

Other images show American troops brandishing their rifles after capturing several Japanese prisoners. (Pictures of MailOnline)