Aksi Lucu Pekerja Nekat, Angkut Bodi Mobil Hingga Batu Bata dengan Sepeda

You`ll be Very Surprised What You Can Get on the Back on a Bicycle

KALAU Anda berfikir hukum fisika jarang dapat ditaklukkan - maka fikirkan lagi.

Foto-foto luar biasa ini mengungkapkan pemandangan yang akan membuat Sir Isaac Newton terkesima.

Memperlihatkan bagaimana sepeda, sepeda motor, mobil pribadi hingga truk dapat membawa muatan yang menurut ilmu sains tidak mungkin diangkut.

Seorang pria terlihat mengangkut cukup banyak telur di motor bebeknya yang dapat dibuat ratusan omelet, sementara sepeda roda tiga mampu mengangkut puluhan hingga ratusan bungkusan plastik.

Dan tindakan apa yang harus Anda lakukan jika Anda perlu memindahkan beberapa papan kayu yang hampir dua kali lipat dari ukuran van Anda? Mereka tetap bekerja mengangkutnya dan membiarkan terseret di jalan yang dilansir Imgur, media sosial China seperti dikutip MailOnline.

IF YOU think it`s not often that the laws of physics are defied – think again.

These incredible photographs reveal sights that would leave Sir Isaac Newton gobsmacked.

They show vehicles carrying loads that science says they shouldn`t be able to carry.

One man is pictured ferrying enough eggs on his moped for several hundred omelettes, while another has been snapped bowling along with a car frame on the front of his tricycle.

And what course of action should you take if you need to move some planks of wood that are almost double the size of your van? Bung them in anyway and let them drag along the road behind you, apparently as featured on Imgur (Pictures of MailOnline)