Resmi, Liverpool Transfer Fabio Carvalho dari Fulham
Liverpool Sign 19 Year Old Playmaker Fabio Carvalho from Fulham
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

LIVERPOOL telah menyelesaikan kesepakatan untuk mendatangkan pemain muda asal Portugal, yakni Fabio Carvalho dari Fulham. Penyerang muda akan bergabung pada 1 Juli mendatang.
"Liverpool dapat mengonfirmasi Fabio Carvalho akan bergabung musim panas ini. Pemain berusia 19 tahun tersebut akan resmi menuntaskan kepindahannya pada 1 Juli," ungkap pernyataan resmi Liverpool.
Carvalho, pemain internasional Portugal U-21 yang menjanjikan, akan menjadi pemain Liverpool dengan kontrak senilai £7,7 juta Pound sterling.
Sebelumnya, Liverpool ingin mengontrak Carvalho pada Januari dan sedang dalam proses mengamankan kesepakatan saat itu, tetapi Fulham bersikeras bahwa dia tetap bersama mereka untuk membantu dorongan promosi mereka dan mencetak 11 gol dalam 38 penampilan.
Sebagai informasi, Carvalho menjadi pemain kunci sukses Fulham mengamankan posisinya kembali ke Liga Premiere 2022 - 2023, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Carvalho diperkirakan menduduki posisi di lini depan Liverpool, untuk menjadi penerus trio Mohamed Salah-Sadio Mane-Roberto Firmino nantinya.
LIVERPOOL have wasted no time in strengthening their squad for next season by completing a £7.7million deal to sign Fabio Carvalho from Fulham.
Carvalho, a promising Portugal Under-21 international, will officially become a Liverpool player on July 1 having helped Fulham secure a return to the Premier League, and is expected to be part of the squad that goes to the Far East on a pre-season tour.
Though he is only 19 and with little top-flight experience, Liverpool have no intention of loaning back to Fulham and it is very much the intention for Carvalho to be part of Klopp’s squad.
Liverpool had wanted to sign Carvalho in January and were in the process of securing a deal then but Fulham were adamant that he stayed with them to aid their promotion push and scored 11 goals in 38 appearances.
Fulham and Liverpool had experienced strained relations, dating back to the move for Harvey Elliott in July 2019, but the situation was patched up last summer when Harry Wilson moved from Anfield.
Liverpool will pay an initial £5million for Carvalho, who joined Fulham’s academy from Benfica in 2015, with a further £2.7million payable if certain objectives are realised. Fulham would also be due 20 per cent of any future sale, a clause similar to the one they inserted in the Elliott deal.