Klub Top Liga Inggris Ucapkan Belasungkawa Atas Tragedi Kanjuruhan

Premier League Clubs Pay Tribute after Disaster at Indonesian Football Match

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Klub Top Liga Inggris Ucapkan Belasungkawa Atas Tragedi Kanjuruhan
TRAGEDI BERDARAH: Arema FC kalah di kandang 3-2 dari rival sekota Persebaya Surabaya di Stadion Kanjuruhan Malang. (Foto: Reuters)

KLUB top Liga Inggris telah memberikan penghormatan kepada 174 orang yang tewas tertimpa insiden tragis di Stadion Kanjuruhan.

Adegan memilukan pecah setelah tuan rumah Arema FC dari kota Malang Jawa Timur kalah dari Persebaya Surabaya FC 3-2.

Fans membanjiri lapangan Stadion Kanjuruhan sebagai protes dan menuntut manajemen Arema menjelaskan mengapa, setelah 23 tahun tak terkalahkan di kandang, pertandingan ini berakhir dengan kekalahan, kata saksi mata.

Rekaman mengerikan menunjukkan para penggemar memanjat pagar ketika mereka mencoba melarikan diri dari asap gas air mata, yang tidak menghilang, dengan beberapa jatuh ke tanah dan kehilangan kesadaran dan diinjak-injak.

Klub-klub Inggris, serta Liga Premier sendiri, telah menyampaikan belasungkawa mereka setelah insiden tragis itu, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Akun Twitter resmi Liga Premier menulis: ´Pikiran semua orang di Liga Premier adalah dengan mereka yang terkena dampak peristiwa tragis di Stadion Kanjuruhan tadi malam´.

Sementara itu, Man United memposting: ´Manchester United sangat berduka atas tragedi di Malang, Indonesia. Kami menyampaikan belasungkawa tulus kami kepada para korban, keluarga mereka, dan semua orang yang terkena dampak´.

´Kami sangat sedih mendengar kejadian di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Malang, Indonesia. Pikiran semua orang di Liverpool Football Club bersama semua yang terkena dampak saat ini," tulis akun klub Merseyside itu.

Halaman resmi Arsenal mengatakan: “Kami sangat sedih mengetahui kejadian di Malang di Stadion Kanjuruhan Indonesia hari ini. Bersama dengan semua orang yang menemukan koneksi melalui sepak bola, pikiran kami bersama semua orang yang terkena dampak tragedi ini.

“Kami sangat sedih mendengar peristiwa tragis di Stadion Kanjuruhan di Indonesia. Pikiran kami bersama semua yang terkena dampak,´ kata halaman Twitter Man City.

Korban tewas kini meningkat dari 127 menjadi 174, dengan dua petugas polisi dan anak-anak di antara yang tewas. Sekarang ini berarti ini telah menjadi salah satu acara olahraga paling mematikan di dunia.

Sebagian besar korban tewas terinjak-injak hingga tewas setelah polisi menembakkan gas air mata untuk menghalau kerusuhan atau menderita sesak napas dan kekurangan oksigen.

Kerusuhan menyebar di luar stadion di mana setidaknya lima kendaraan polisi terbalik dan dibakar di tengah kekacauan.

Lebih dari 300 orang dilarikan ke rumah sakit dengan luka-luka mereka setelah kerusuhan tetapi banyak yang meninggal dalam perjalanan atau selama perawatan, kata kepala polisi Jawa Timur Nico Afinta.

PREMIER LEAGUE  clubs pay tribute after disaster at Indonesian football match sees 174 people crushed to death and another 300 injured - as incident becomes one of the world´s worst stadium disasters

Premier League clubs have paid tribute to the 174 people crushed to death during a  tragic incident at an Indonesian football match.

The devastating scenes broke out after hosts Arema FC of East Java´s Malang city losing to Persebaya Surabaya FC 3-2.

Fans flooded the Kanjuruhan Stadium pitch in protest and demanded that Arema management explain why, after 23 years of undefeated home games, this match ended in a loss, witnesses said. 

Harrowing footage shows fans scaling fences as they try to escape tear gas smoke, which did not dissipate, with some falling to the ground and losing consciousness and being trampled under a stampede.

English clubs, as well as the Premier League themselves, have since offered their condolences following the tragic incident.

The official Premier League Twitter account wrote: ´The thoughts of everyone at the Premier League are with those affected by the tragic events at Kanjuruhan Stadium last night´.

Meanwhile, Man United posted: ´Manchester United is deeply saddened by the tragedy in Malang, Indonesia. We send our sincere condolences to the victims, their families, and everyone affected´.

´We are deeply saddened to hear of the events at Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, Indonesia. The thoughts of everyone at Liverpool Football Club are with all those affected at this time,´ wrote the Merseyside club´s account.

Arsenal´s official page said: ´We are deeply saddened to learn of the events in Malang at the Kanjuruhan Stadium Indonesia today. Along with everyone who finds a connection through football, our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy.

´We are deeply saddened to hear of the tragic events at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Indonesia. Our thoughts are with all those affected,´ said Man City´s Twitter page.

The death toll has now increased from 127 to 174, with two police officers and children among the dead. It now means this has been one of the deadliest sporting events in the world. 

Most of those who died were trampled to death after police fired tear gas to dispel the riots or suffered from inhalation and shortage of oxygen. 

The rioting spread outside the stadium where at least five police vehicles were overturned and set on fire amid the chaos. 

More than 300 people were rushed to hospital with their injuries following the riot but many died on their way or during treatment, East Java police chief Nico Afinta has said.