Night at The Museum 3: The Secret of Tomb Abaikan Fakta Sejarah

Latest Night at the Museum Film Contains Numerous Historical Inaccuracies

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Night at The Museum 3: The Secret of Tomb Abaikan Fakta Sejarah
Ben Stiller dalam adegan film yang dinilai mengabaikan fakta sejarah khususnya tentang bencana di kota Pompeii (Foto2: MailOnline)

MASALAH BAGAIMANA cara terbaik untuk menyeimbangkan akurasi film dengan unsur hiburan sejak lama membuat penasaran para eksekutif Hollywood.

Dan kini tampaknya setelah mengacak-acak di British Museum melalui film terbaru yang dibintangi Ben Stiller yang pengambilan gambarnya berlangsung di situ membuat prihatin kurator museum karena informasinya dinilai menyesatkan pengunjung.

Staf British Museum kemudian menempuh langkah memperketat syuting Night at the Museum 3: The Secret of Tomb meski tetap kecolongan dalam adegan di Pompeii yang menampilkan adegan dikejar lava saat erupsi Pompeii.

Penonton pun terkesiap, ketika seorang penonton wanita berteriak: "Tidak ada lava di Pompeii - Vesuvius meletus dengan aliran piroklastik ', seperti dilaporkan The Times yang dikutip MailOnline.

Kota Romawi kuno itu hilang seolah ditelan bumi akibat erupsi dahsyat tapi bukan oleh lava, melainkan karena hujan abu dan batu apung.

Staf Museum British kini tengah menyediakan panduan informasi untuk memperbaiki beberapa poin film menggambarkan adegan sejarah untuk kepentingan hiburan, tetapi tanpa basis data akurat dari fakta sejarah.

Sian Toogood, manajer penyiaran museum, kepada The Times
bahwa kurator museum mengecam tidak akuratnya sejarah dengan kisah di film, tapi ia berharap film ini akan menarik pengunjung baru meskipun ada beberapa perubahan penting.

Dia mengatakan: "Kami tidak memiliki model Pompeii sama sekali, jadi agak diperdebatkan bagaimana letusan terjadi. Kami benar-benar berharap bahwa hal itu akan mendorong orang-orang untuk datang berkunjung ke museum."

"Tapi jika mereka ingin melihat dinosaurus mereka harus pergi ke Museum Sejarah Alam."

THE ISSUE of how best to balance a film's accuracy with its entertainment value has long vexed Hollywood executives.

And it now appears to have ruffled feathers at the British Museum after the latest Ben Stiller film shot on site featured a number of scenes curators are concerned could mislead visitors.

British Museum staff treated to an advanced screening of Night at the Museum 3: The Secret of the Tomb were aghast when a scene showed its characters fleeing from lava during the eruption of Pompeii.

The audience let out an audible gasp, with one woman screeching: 'There was no lava at Pompeii - Vesuvius erupted with a pyroclastic flow', The Times reported.

The ancient Roman town was buried in the deadly explosion not by lava, but ash and pumice.

British Museum staff have now provided an information guide to rectify some points the film portrays for the purposes of entertainment, but which have little basis in reality.

Sian Toogood, the musesum's broadcast manager, told The Times curators instinctively disliked inaccuracies, but she was hoping the film would draw in new visitors despite a few liberties being taken.

She said: 'We don't have a model of Pompeii at all, so it's kind of moot what kind of eruption it has. We're really hoping that it will encourage people who might not normally come to the museum.

'But if they want dinosaurs they should go to the Natural History Museum.'