Angelina Jolie Perankan Maleficent, Putri Jahat

Angelina Jolie is Menacing as Maleficent, Misstress Of All Evil

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Angelina Jolie Perankan Maleficent, Putri Jahat
Pengambilan gambar berlangsung di Buckinghamshire, Inggris tahun lalu selama musim panas (Foto2: Mail Online)

PENGGEMAR film Hollywood mendapatkan video klip dari film terbaru Angelina Jolie, yang berperan sebagai Malefecient dalam film terbaru produksi Disney, yang bakal tayang perdana pada 30 Mei 2014.

Berlatar kisah dongeng klasik Sleeping Beauty, merujuk pada karakter 'Mistress of All Evil', di film ini Jolie melibatkan anak perempuannya, Vivienne, lima tahun, yang tampil di video klip, memerankan karakter Aurora saat bocah, seperti dilansir Mail Online.

Saat Aurora tumbuh dewasa, perannya dimainkan Elle Fanning, sekaligus menjadi narator trailer film tersebut.

Pengambilan gambar berlangsung di Buckinghamshire, Inggris tahun lalu selama musim panas.

Berbicara tentang film barunya, Angelina mengatakan kepada EW tahun lalu : "Ini bukan anti - putri , tapi itu pertama kalinya mereka melihat wanita epik ini."

"Saya berharap pada akhirnya Anda melihat seorang wanita yang mampu menjadi banyak hal, dan hanya karena dia melindungi dirinya sendiri dan agresif, itu tidak berarti dia tidak dapat memiliki hal yang menarik."

Brad dan Angelina memiliki enam anak yakni Maddox, 12, Pax, sembilan, Zahara, delapan, Shiloh, tujuh, dan kembar lima tahun Knox dan Vivienne.

Namun, ini bukan pertama kalinya bahwa salah satu dari anak adopsi mereka mereka tampil bermain film.lebar.

Shiloh memerankan cameo dalam The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button sebagai putri Brad dan Cate Blanchett ketika ia berusia 10 - bulan.

FANS have been given their first glimpse of Angelina Jolie in all her menacing Maleficent glory in a newly-released trailer for the upcoming Disney film, which is set to hit cinemas on May 30, 2014.

The twist on the classic Sleeping Beauty fairytale, told from the point of view of the self-proclaimed 'Mistress Of All Evil', is also somewhat of a family affair, with the star's youngest daughter, five-year-old Vivienne, also seen in the video, running through a lush field as a young Aurora.

As she grows, we see her embodied by an ethereal Elle Fanning, who narrates the trailer.

Filming on the movie took place in Buckinghamshire, England last year during Summer. 

Speaking about the new film, Angelina told EW last year: 'It’s not anti-princess, but it’s the first time they’re looking at this epic woman.'

'I hope in the end you see a woman who is capable of being many things, and just because she protects herself and is aggressive, it doesn’t mean she can’t have other [warmer] qualities'

Brad and Angelina have six children together, Maddox, 12, Pax, nine, Zahara, eight, Shiloh, seven, and five-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

However, this is not the first time that one of their offspring has graced the big screen.

Shiloh had a cameo role in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button as Brad and Cate Blanchett's daughter when she was 10-months-old.