Safari Sergap Lombok, BKP Kementan Pastikan Target NTB 58.873 ton Beras

Indonesian Govt Supports the Farmers to Sell Rice to the Logistic Agency

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Safari Sergap Lombok, BKP Kementan Pastikan Target NTB 58.873 ton Beras
SERGAP LOMBOK: Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP) Kementan, Agung Hendriadi (ke-5 kanan) memimpin serap gabah petani didampingi Sekretaris BKP Kementan, Mulyawan Hendiadi (kanan) Foto: Humas Kementan

Jakarta (B2B) - Setelah safari serap gabah petani (Sergap) di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP) Kementerian Pertanian RI, Agung Hendriadi berlanjut ke Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), dan hari ini, Rabu (7/3) menjangkau tiga lokasi di Kabupaten Lombok Timur dan Lombok Barat, untuk mendukung pencapaian target cadangan 2,2 juta ton beras Perum Bulog hingga Juni 2018, sementara NTB menyatakan optimistis mencapai target 58.873 ton beras hingga periode yang sama.

Agung Hendriadi selaku Ketua Tim Sergap Kementan mengatakan bahwa timnya menempuh langkah membeli gabah kering panen (GKP) dan gabah kering giling (GKG) langsung di lapangan, dengan mendatangi langsung lokasi panen padi di sawah untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan para petani.

"Kami turun langsung ke lapangan agar petani tidak sengsara. Kalau petani sengsara dan tidak mau menanam padi karena merugi, bangsa ini mau makan apa?" kata Agung Hendriadi yang didampingi Sekretaris BKP Kementan, Mulyawan Hendiadi.

Ketiga lokasi Sergap yang dikunjungi Tim Sergap Kementan adalah Desa Darmasari di Kecamatan Sikur dan Desa Senyiur, Kecamatan Keruak di Lombok Timur; dan Desa Senteluk, Kecamatan Batulayar di Lombok Barat, dengan harga Rp4.300 per kg untuk GKP.

Agung mengingatkan bahwa kegiatan Sergap sangat penting untuk memperkuat cadangan beras pemerintah yang disimpan di gudang Bulog, dengan target 2,2 juta ton beras hingga Juni 2018.

Kepala Dinas Ketahanan Pangan NTB, Budi Septiani mengaku optimistis pada target Tim Sergap NTB mencapai 58.873 ton beras hingga akhir Juni 2018, "melalui koordinasi yang baik dengan pihak-pihak terkait seperti TNI AD, Bulog, Bank BRI dan gabungan kelompok tani. Kami optimistis tercapai."

Ketua Gapoktan Sejahtera Mandiri, H Abdul Muas menyampaikan apresiasi pada perhatian pemerintah untuk membeli gabah petani langsung di lapangan.

"Kalau pemerintah tidak turun tangan membeli, kami akan merugi, karena jatuh ketangan tengkulak yang mulai berkeliaran," kata H Abdul Muas.

Komitmen Bulog
Awal Februari lalu, Sekretaris Perusahaan Perum Bulog, Siti Kuwati memastikan pihaknya tetap mengerahkan 26 divisi regional didukung 1.400 unit gudang berkapasitas lebih empat juta ton untuk mendukung kinerja tim sergap sesuai instruksi presiden (Inpres).

"Bulog tetap akan menyerap hasil panen petani sesuai ketentuan Inpres sebanyak-banyaknya, jadi tidak perlu khawatir. Bulog punya lebih 1.400 unit gudang di seluruh Indonesia. Kapasitas simpannya lebih empat juta ton," kata Siti Kuwati melalui pernyataan tertulis, Rabu (7/2).

Menurutnya, Bulog mengemban misi menyerap hasil panen padi sebanyak-banyaknya dari petani sesuai ketentuan Inpres Nomor 5/2015 tentang harga pembelian pemerintah (HPP) sebesar Rp3.700 untuk gabah kering panen (GKP) dan Rp4.600 untuk gabah kering giling (GKG).

Dukungan Dandim
Agung H mengingatkan pemerintah daerah di tingkat provinsi/kabupaten/kota di seluruh Indonesia untuk melaporkan areal persawahan di daerahnya yang akan melakukan panen padi, maka petani dikoordinir dinas pertanian (Distan) setempat dapat melapor ke komandan dari komando distrik militer (Kodim) atau bintara pembina desa (Babinsa) di komando rayon militer (Koramil) untuk mengorganisir pembelian gabah oleh Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) yang didukung Bank BRI.

"Kalau ada daerah-daerah yang akan panen, petani dikoordinir dinas pertanian daerah dapat melapor ke Dandim agar nantinya dapat dilakukan pembelian bersama-sama Bulog. Petani dan Distan lapor Dandim kalau akan panen, Bulog siap beli gabah langsung dari petani," katanya.

Safari Sergap yang dipimpin oleh Agung Hendriadi di setiap lokasi pembelian gabah didukung oleh pejabat Bulog dan pimpinan Bank BRI setempat, kepala dinas pertanian daerah, para petani yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani (Poktan) dan dihadiri oleh Dandim maupun Danramil untuk memastikan pembelian gabah Bulog berjalan tanpa kendala.

Dia menambahkan, tim yang dipimpinnya saat ini memantau transaksi pembelian gabah petani oleh Bulog di NTB untuk memastikan harga gabah tidak jatuh menjelang dan saat panen raya, sekaligus mengisi cadangan beras pemerintah.

Menurutnya, petani memiliki sumbangsih besar terhadap pengadaan cadangan beras pemerintah yang disimpan melalui Bulog, karena itu Sergap terus dilakukan sebagai upaya memberikan jaminan harga pembelian gabah yang wajar atau tidak merugikan petani.

"Kalau cadangan beras pemerintah kuat, kedaulatan pangan kita akan semakin kokoh, maka sekarang inilah saatnya gudang-gudang Bulog diisi oleh petani," kata Agung.

Jakarta (B2B) - Head of the farmers´ grain purchasing coordinator or Sergap, Agung Hendriadi led his team to the West Nusa Tenggara province (NTB) to support the target of 2.2 million tons of Bulog´s rice reserves by June 2018, while the NTB is optimistic to reach the target of 58,873 tons of rice until the same period.

Mr Hendriadi as the team leader said that his team is taking steps to buy dry grain yield, and dried grain milled directly to the rice yield to interact with farmers.

"The government is moving quickly to help farmers in selling grain, so farmers do not lose, then the government is here," he said.

The locations visited by a special team from the agriculture ministry are Darmasari village in Sikur subdistrict and Senyiur village in Keruak subdistrict of East Lombok district; and Senteluk village of Batulayar subdistrict in Lombok Barat district, with price Rp4.300 per kg for dry grain yield.

Mr Hendriadi reminded that buy dry grain yield is very important to support the government´s rice stock at Bulog warehouse, target 2.2 million tons of rice until June 2018.

Head of NTB´s Food Security Agency, Budi Septiani admitted optimistic target of 58,873 tons of rice until the end of June 2018, "through good coordination with related parties such as Army, Bulog, Bank BRI and the combined farmer groups."

Chairman of Sejahtera Mandiri´s combined farmer groups H Abdul Muas appreciated the government´s attention to buy farmers´ grain directly in the field.

"If the government intervenes to buy, farmers will lose money, because it fell into the hands of middlemen who start wandering," H Abdul Muas said.

Bulog´s Commitment
Early February, the Corporate Secretary of Bulog, Siti Kuwati ensure deploy 26 regional divisions to buy grain of farmers and will be stored in 1,400 units of warehouses capacity over 4 million tons,

"Bulog will still buy the rice yield of farmers as possible within the president´s instructions, the Bulog has more than 1,400 warehouse units across the country, and the storage capacity of over four million tons," Siti Kuwati said through a written statement here on Wednesday (February 7).

According to her, the Bulog will buy rice yield of farmers as much as possible according to presidential instruction No. 5/2015 on government purchase price 3,700 rupiah for dry grain harvest and 4,600 rupiah for dry milled grain.

Army Support
Mr Hendriadi reminded local governments across the country to report the area of paddy fields in the area that will rice yield, then the farmer will be coordinated by the local agricultural office can report to the military district command or Dandim to organize grain purchases by the Logistics Agency supported by state banks, BRI Bank.

"If there is an area that will rice yield, farmers coordinated the local agricultural service can report to the Dandim for rice yield purchased by Bulog. Farmers report Dandim if going to rice yield, Bulog ready to buy grain directly from farmers," he said.

Mr Hendriadi´s activities at every grain purchasing location are supported by Bulog officials and head of the local BRI Bank, head of the regional agricultural service, farmers from farmer groups and attended by the Dandim to ensure the purchase of grain by Bulog went smoothly.

He added that his side is currently monitoring transaction of grain purchases of farmers by Bulog in West Nusa Tenggara province to ensure the price of grain does not fall before and during the harvest, as well as fill the government´s rice reserves.

According to him, farmers have a contribution to the procurement of government rice reserves kept by Bulog, therefore the purchase of grain continues to be done in an effort to provide grain price guarantee that benefits farmers.

"If the government´s rice reserve is strong, our food sovereignty will be stronger, then it is time for Bulog warehouses to be filled with rice," Mr Hendriadi said.