Potensi 23 Ribu Ha, Kapus BKP Kementan Panen Jagung di Ponorogo

Senior Indonesian Agricultural Official Join Corn Harvest in Ponorogo District

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Potensi 23 Ribu Ha, Kapus BKP Kementan Panen Jagung di Ponorogo
SENTRA PRODUKSI: Kapus Ketersediaan dan Kerawanan Pangan BKP Kementan, Andriko Noto Susanto (tengah) panen jagung di Ponorogo bersama Kadistan TPH, Harmanto (Foto: Humas Kementan)

Ponorogo, Jatim (B2B) - Pemerintah RI memastikan ´negara hadir di tengah petani´ dengan mendatangi sentra produksi jagung di seluruh Indonesia, seperti dilakukan Badan Ketahanan Pangan - Kementerian Pertanian RI memantau sekaligus ikut panen dengan petani di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Provinsi Jawa Timur, dipimpin langsung oleh Kepala Pusat Ketersediaan dan Kerawanan Pangan BKP Kementan, Andriko Noto Susanto.

Kapus Andriko NS panen jagung di Desa Sidoarjo, Kecamatan Pulung, Ponorogo yang produktivitasnya mencapai 12 ton per hektar sebagai tanaman monokultur, sementara di lahan tumpangsari maksimal mencapai sembilan ton per hektar.

“Ponorogo telah memasuki panen raya jagung sejak pertengahan Februari sampai pertengahan Maret. Untuk mencegah harga jagung jatuh perlu sinergi antar lembaga, baik pemerintah maupun swasta,” kata Andriko NS kepada pers usai panen bersama Kepala Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Harmanto dan petani setempat, belum lama ini.

Menurutnya, Ponorogo merupakan salah satu sentra produksi jagung di Jatim seperti halnya Lamongan, Tuban, Ngawi, Gresik dan Pasuruan yang sudah memasuki panen raya, dan saat ini Ponorogo sedang masuk puncak panen raya jagung.

Kadistan Harmanto menambahkan luas panen jagung untuk Februari - Maret 2019 sekitar 23.398 hektar, terbagi atas luas panen Februari sekitar 15.921 hektar dan 7.487 hektar pada Maret.

"Sampai saat ini luas panen jagung di Ponorogo baru mencapai sembilan ribu hektar, atau masih ada potensi panen 14 ribu hektar yang akan panen sampai dua pekan ke depan," kata Harmanto.

Ponorogo of East Java (B2B) - Indonesian government ensures that ´the state is present in the midst of farmers´ by visiting corn production centers across the country, as done by the Directorate General of Food Security at the Agriculture Ministry or the BKP Kementan, as was done by the Director of Food Availability and Vulnerability, Andriko Noto Susanto monitor and participate in corn harvesting with farmers in Ponorogo district, East Java province, recently.

Director Susanto participated corn harvest corn in Sidoarjo village of Pulung subdistrict, whose productivity reached 12 tons per hectare as monoculture plants, while in intercropped land the maximum reached nine tons per hectare.

"Ponorogo corn has been harvested since February to March, to prevent falling prices need synergy between institutions, government and private sector," Director Susanto told the press here after corn harvest, recently.

According to him, Ponorogo is one of the corn production centers in East Java such as Lamongan, Tuban, Ngawi, Gresik and Pasuruan which have entered the harvest, and now Ponorogo is entering the peak of the corn harvest.

Harmanto said the corn harvest area for February and March 2019 was around 23,398 hectares, divided into February harvest area around 15,921 hectares and 7,487 hectares in March.

"Until now the corn harvest area in Ponorogo has only reached nine thousand hectares, or there is still the potential of 14 thousand hectares to be harvested for the next two weeks," Harmanto said.