323.870 Ton, 81 Penyuluh Boalemo Dukung 1.119 Poktan Panen Jagung

Indonesian Agricultural Extension Accompany Corn Farmers to Increase Production

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

323.870 Ton, 81 Penyuluh Boalemo Dukung 1.119 Poktan Panen Jagung
MENTAN PANEN: Mentan Amran Sulaiman mencoba mesin panen jagung saat kunjungan kerja di Kabupaten Boalemo, Gorontalo pada awal Mei 2018 (Foto: Humas Kementan)

Boalemo, Gorontalo (B2B) - Sentra produksi jagung  Provinsi Gorontalo di Kabupaten Boalemo akan menghasilkan panen 323.870 ton hingga April 2019, Kementerian Pertanian RI didukung 81 penyuluh pertanian mendampingi dan mengawal 1.119 kelompok tani (Poktan) di 86 desa dari tujuh kecamatan, mengingat periode panen jagung di Boalemo tiga kali dalam satu tahun.

Luas panen jagung di Boalemo, periode Januari hingga April 2019 mencapai 64.774 hektar di tujuh kecamatan, dari hasil pertanaman jagung Oktober 2018 hingga Januari 2019.

"Sekitar 9.541 hektar lahan jagung sudah dipanen pada Januari lalu, sementara panen Februari diperkirakan seluas 14.552 hektar," menurut pernyataan tertulis dari Pusat Penyuluhan Pertanian (Pusluhtan).

Siaran pers Pusluhtan BPPSDMP Kementan menyebutkan, luasnya lahan jagung di Boalemo membuatnya bagai ´karpet kuning´ sejauh mata memandang, terutama apabila menelusuri perjalanan dari Bandara Jalaluddin Gorontalo menuju Tilamuta, ibukota Boalemo.

Hal itu tidak berlebihan lantaran perkiraan luasan panen jagung untuk Maret mencapai 24.579 hektar dan April sekitar 16.102 hektar, apabila produktivitas rata-rata lima ton per hektar maka perkiraan produksi Januari - April 2019 mencapai 328.870 ton dari benih jagung varietas Pionir (P36) Bisi 18.

Potensi produksi jagung tersebut membuat Boalemo kondang ke mancanegara, khususnya Filipina lantaran ekspor jagung Indonesia berasal dari kabupaten ini.

Bantuan Mentan
Hasil panen jagung Gorontalo khususnya dari Boalemo tak lain berkat ´tangan dingin´ Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman yang menggelontorkan bantuan benih jagung gratis seluas 80 ribu hektar.

Perhatian Kementan terwujud pada awal Mei 2018, saat Mentan Amran Sulaiman panen jagung dan mendapati bahwa Gorontalo mampu menghasilkan 70 ribu ton, melampaui target 57 ribu ton, yang dicapai Gorontalo pada Mei 2018, dan hasilnya diekspor ke mancanegara khususnya Filipina.

“Karena prestasi Gorontalo, saya beri bantuan bibit seluas 80 ribu hektare. Ini bantuan bibit terbesar sepanjang sejarah kami," kata Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman di sela panen raya jagung di Kabupaten Boalemo, Gorontalo pada Jumat (4/5).

Bukan hanya itu dukungan Kementan, Mentan Amran Sulaiman juga memberikan mesin pengering untuk Gorontalo. "Selama kadar air jagung berada di 14 persen, pemerintah pasti akan membelinya." (Lin)

Boalemo of Gorontalo (B2B) -  Gorontalo Province´s corn production center in Boalemo Regency will produce a corn harvest of 323,870 tons by April 2019, the Indonesian Agriculture Ministry supported by 81 agricultural extensionists will accompanying and escorting 1,119 farmer groups in 86 villages of seven subdistricts, considering the corn harvest period in Boalemo is three times a year.

The area of corn harvest in Boalemo, January to April 2019 reached 64,774 hectares in seven subdistricts, from the planting period from October 2018 to January 2019.

"About 9,541 hectares of corn have been harvested in January, while the February harvest is estimated at 14,552 hectares, "according to the Agricultural Extension Center´s written statement.

The agriculture ministry press release said that the vast area of corn in Boalemo made it a ´yellow carpet´ as far as the eye could see, especially when passing from Jalaluddin Gorontalo Airport to Tilamuta, the capital of Boalemo.

The estimated corn harvest area for March reached 24,579 hectares and April around 16,102 hectares, if the average productivity is five tons per hectare, the estimated production from January to April 2019 will reach 328,870 tons.

The potential for corn production makes Boalemo famous for foreign countries, especially the Philippines because Indonesia´s corn exports come from this district.

Government Support
The Indonesian government last year provide free corn seed for 80 thousand hectares to Gorontalo province on Sulawesi island, after the production target of 57 thousand reached 70 thousand tons for 2017, according to agriculture minister.

"Because of Gorontalo´s achievements, I give free seeds for 80 thousand hectares. The greatest number in Indonesian history," said Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman in Boalemo district of Gorontale province on Friday last year (May 4).

According to him, Gorontalo corn production as of May 2018 has reached 70 thousand tons, higher than the target of 57 thousand tons achieved in May 2018.

Not only that ministry support, Minister Sulaiman also promised a corn dryer for Gorontalo. "Keep the water content 14 percent."