Ajal di Tangan Tuhan, Pemotor Selamat Meski Digilas Mobil

A Man Saved His Own Life from Wearing a Helmet

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Ajal di Tangan Tuhan, Pemotor Selamat Meski Digilas Mobil
Wu Jiayao, seorang petugas polisi lalu lintas dari kota Lanxi, mengatakan dalam video bahwa pengemudi tersebut beruntung bisa selamat karena mengenakan helm (Foto2: MailOnline)

INI BUKTI ajal di tangan Tuhan ketika seorang pengendara yang luput dari maut dalam kecelakaan mobil di China timur pada Kamis pekan lalu (6/7).

Rekaman menunjukkan seorang pengendara sepeda motor terjatuh setelah disenggol mobil SUV warna silver sebelum kepalanya dilindas oleh roda belakang.

Dia tampak tidak terluka karena mengenakan helm dan berhasil berdiri sekitar lima menit setelah ditabrak dan digilas roda belakang mobil.

Menurut video yang diunggah oleh Pear, kejadian tersebut terjadi di Lanxi, Provinsi Zhejiang pada 6 Juli.

Pria dengan skuter tampak dipepet SUV perak, yang menerobos garis kuning ganda.

Pear menyatakan bahwa pengendara skuter kehilangan kendali kendaraannya dan ditabrak mobil.

Pengendara sepeda motor jatuh dan kepalanya digilas ban belakang.

Tampak setelah kejadian pengemudi mobil perak tersebut langsung melarikan mobilnya.

Lima menit kemudian, warga berbondong datang mendekati dan membantunya berdiri.

Wu Jiayao, seorang petugas polisi lalu lintas dari kota Lanxi, mengatakan dalam video bahwa pengemudi tersebut beruntung bisa selamat karena mengenakan helm.

"Dalam situasi seperti ini, helm itu melindungi kepala. Jika dia tidak memakai helm dan kepalanya ditabrak roda, itu akan berakibat fatal."

Dia juga mengingatkan pada pengendara motor untuk tidak keluar jalur lambat khusus bagi pengendara motor seperti dilansir MailOnline.

THIS IS the nail-biting moment a motorcyclist narrowly cheats death in a car accident in eastern China on July 6.

Footage shows the motorcyclist falling down after colliding with the silver vehicle before his head is then run over by the rear wheel.

He appeared to be unharmed as he was wearing a helmet and managed to stand up around five minutes after the hit.  

According to the video uploaded by Pear, the incident took place in Lanxi of Zhejiang Province on July 6.

The man on a scooter can be seen approaching a silver SUV, which overtook the double yellow line.

Pear stated that the scooter driver lost control of his vehicle and hit the car.

The motorcyclist fell down and had had his head run over by the car.

It is believed that the silver car driver drove away after the incident.

Five minutes later, onlookers approached the man and he managed to stand up on his own.

Wu Jiayao, a traffic police officer from Lanxi city, said in the video that the driver was lucky to have survived as he was wearing a helmet.

'In situation like this, the helmet provided protection to the driver's head. If he didn't wear the helmet and had his head run over by the wheel, it would have been much worse.'

She also advised drivers that any two-wheeled scooters must drive on the non-motorised road.