Ekspo Produk & Teknologi Pertanian 2014 (APTEX)

ID Agricultural Products & Technology Expo

Mentan Suswono dan Ny Mieke Suswono mencicipi penganan yang disajikan oleh peserta APTEX 2014.
Indonesian Agriculture Minister Suswono and Mrs. Mieke Suswono tasted the food served by one of participants of APTEX 2014.

MENTERI Pertanian Suswono pada Jumat (2/5) membuka pameran produk unggulan pertanian bertajuk The 1st Agricultural Products dan Technology Expo 2014 (The 14th Agro & Food Expo 2014) atau 1st APTEX 2014 di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Foto2: B2B/Mya

INDONESIAN Agriculture Minister, Suswono on Friday opened the 1st Agricultural Products and Technology Expo 2014 (The 14th Agro & Food Expo 2014) at the Jakarta Convention Center. (Photos: B2B/Mya)