Enam Raksasa yang Pernah Diangkut Melintas Jalan Raya

The Biggest Things Ever Moved on the Road Revealed

Ribuan orang ternyata menyaksikan pesawat ulang-alik Endeavour dalam perjalanan 12 mil dari Bandara Internasional Los Angeles (LAX) ke Pusat Sains California, 12 Oktober 2012.
Thousands turned out to watch the space shuttle Endeavour on its 12-mile journey from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to the California Science Center, on October 12, 2012.

PADA 2012 perusahaan logistik Arab Saudi memecahkan rekor untuk `barang terberat yang pernah diangkut di jalan`ketika mengirim unit penyuling air laut menjadi air tawar berbobot lebih 4.800 ton dan luasnya melebihi lapangan sepak bola.

Dan di Inggris, sebuah transformator pembangkit listrik berbobot 640 ton tercatat sebagai beban terberat yang diangkut di Inggris. Setelah dipindahkan dari pembangkit listrik Didcot pada 2013, kemudian diangkut ke sebuah truk dan melaju perlahan 7 km per jam, yang mengakibatkan kemacetan sejauh 20 km di jalan tol.

Sementara di Amerika, pesawat ulang alik Endeavour harus istirahat dan berjalan menuju `rumah peristirahatan` di California Science Center pada 2012, ribuan orang berjajar di tepi jalan melihat pesawat ruang angkasa melintas.

Untuk melihat benda-benda raksasa ini lebih banyak, klik keenam foto ini seperti dilansir MailOnline.

IN 2012 a Saudi Arabian logistics company smashed the record for the `heaviest item moved by road freight`, when it delivered a water desalination unit weighing in excess of 4,800 tonnes and covering more ground than a football field.

And over in the UK a power station transformer weighing an earth-shattering 640 tonnes claimed the title for being Britain's heaviest load. After being removed from Didcot power station in 2013 it was loaded on to a truck and slowly hauled along at speeds of 4mph, which caused a 13-mile tailback on the motorway.

Meanwhile, in America, when the retired space shuttle Endeavour rolled into its retirement home at the California Science Center in 2012, thousands of spectators turned out to see its creeping procession.

To see these pieces of cumbersome cargo and more, scroll down for MailOnline Travel`s round-up of some of the biggest objects moved on the road... (Pictures of MailOnline)