103,16, Nilai Tukar Petani Desember 2018 Naik 0,04% kata BPS

Indonesian Farmers` Purchasing Power Rose 0.04% in December 2018: Central Statistics

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

103,16, Nilai Tukar Petani Desember 2018 Naik 0,04% kata BPS
Data dan Tabel: Kementan

Jakarta (B2B) - Nilai Tukar Petani naik 0,04% menjadi 103,16 pada Desember 2018, karena indeks harga yang diterima petani disingkat lt naik 0,54% atau lebih besar dari kenaikan indeks harga yang dibayar petani atau lb sebesar 0,50%. Inflasi pedesaan mencapai 0,58% pada Desember 2018 akibat naiknya indeks di seluruh kelompok penyusunan Indeks  Konsumsi Rumah Tangga (IKRT) khususnya kelompok bahan makanan, sementara nilai tukar usaha rumah tangga pertanian (NTUP) mencapai 112,21 atau naik 0,26% ketimbang NTUP November 2018.

Tren positif sektor pertanian di penghujung 2018 dikemukakan Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Suharyanto bahwa NTP menunjukkan nilai tukar dari produk-produk pertanian terhadap barang dan jasa yang dikonsumsi rumah tangga termasuk biaya produksi.

"Semakin tinggi NTP, secara relatif semakin kuat pula tingkat kemampuan atau daya beli petani," kata Suharyanto kepada pers di Jakarta, Rabu (2/1).

Kepala Biro Humas dan Informasi Publik Kementerian Pertanian RI Kuntoro Boga Andri mengatakan bahwa peningkatan NTP dan NTUP menunjukkan komitmen pemerintah meningkatkan produksi pangan dan mengendalikan harga di tingkat petani maupun konsumen.

"Petani untung karena produk pertanian yang mereka hasilkan dibeli dengan harga tinggi, di sisi lain, mereka pun bisa membeli aneka kebutuhan pokok dengan harga terjangkau," kata Kuntoro BA.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian farmers´ purchasing power or the NTP rose 0.04% to 103.16 in December 2018, because the price index received by farmers rose 0.54% or higher than the increase in the price index paid by farmers reached 0.50%. Rural inflation reached 0.58% in December 2018 due to an increase in the index in all groups compiling the Household Consumption Index especially foodstuffs, while the exchange rate of agricultural household businesses or NTUP reached 112.21, up 0.26% compared to NTUP November 2018, according to the Indonesian Statistics Agency.

The positive trend in the Indonesian agricultural sector at the end of 2018 was stated by the Head of the Central Statistics Agency, Suharyanto NTP that shows the exchange rate of agricultural products for goods and services consumed by households including production costs.

"Increased NTP is an indicator of farmers´ purchasing power," Suharyanto told the press here on Wednesday (December 2).

Spokesperson of Indonesian Agriculture Ministry, Kuntoro Boga Andri said that increasing farmers´ purchasing power shows the government´s commitment to increase food production and control prices at the farmer and consumer level.

"Farmers gain profits because agricultural products are bought at high prices, on the other hand, farmers can buy basic food needs at affordable prices," Mr Andri said.