Sejuta Hektar, Dirjen PSP Optimistis Target Asuransi Pertanian 2019 Tercapai

Indonesia`s Widodo Administration Gave Agricultural Insurance for Farmers

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Sejuta Hektar, Dirjen PSP Optimistis Target Asuransi Pertanian 2019 Tercapai
APLIKASI ONLINE: Dirjen PSP Kementan Sarwo Edhy [Foto: Humas Ditjen PSP]

Jakarta [B2B] - Sejuta hektar lahan pertanian di seluruh Indonesia ditargetkan mengikuti program Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) untuk 2019, mengacu pada realisasi AUTP 2018 sekitar 806.199,64 ha atau 80,62% dari target 1 juta ha, meskipun turun dari realisasi 2017 seluas 997.961 ha. Klaim kerugian 2017 seluas 25.208 hektar dan 2018 hanya 12.194 ha [1,51%]. Sementara Asuransi Usaha Ternak Sapi/ Kerbau (AUTS/K) menargetkan 120.000 ekor sapi.

Optimistis tersebut dikemukakan Direktur Jendral Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian - Kementerian Pertanian RI [Dirjen PSP Kementan] Sarwo Edhy menyikapi aneka upaya jajarannya didukung kantor dinas pertanian provinsi/kabupaten/kota dan PT Jasa Asuransi Indonesia [Jasindo] dan aplikasi online Sistem Asuransi Pertanian disingkat Siap.

"Kita harus optimistis target tersebut tercapai, yang kita fasilitasi sesuai dengan ketentuan. Kalau belum sesuai, tugas Ditjen PSP untuk membina mereka," kata Dirjen Sarwo Edhy di Jakarta, Senin [6/5].

Menurutnya, tugas Pemerintah RI dalam hal ini Ditjen PSP Kementan adalah terus melakukan sosialisasi, dan aplikasi Siap mendorong petani dapat mengikuti asuransi pertanian secara mandiri. Pemerintah akan terus mendorong karena masih banyak petani yang belum tumbuh kesadarannya untuk ikut asuransi.

Dirjen Sarwo Edhy mengakui sejauh ini beberapa daerah mulai muncul keinginan ikut asuransi secara mandiri, yaitu membayar preminya sendiri atau tanpa bantuan dari pemerintah. 

|Sementara program pemerintah hanya mewajibkan petani membayar 20 persen dari total tanggungan, dengan 80 persen subsidi pemerintah," katanya. [Sur]

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian government targets a million hectares of land owned by rice farmers will be registered in the agricultural insurance program, the process was facilitated by the Agriculture Ministry through the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities or Ditjen PSP supported by insurance company Jasindo, by launched the Agricultural Insurance Information System application or the SIAP.

The Director General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities, Sarwo Edhy said that the SIAP application was developed to support digitalization of agricultural insurance services with an Android app that is designed in a simple way so that it is easy for farmers to use for administrative processes and insurance premium payments.

"The ministry hopes that the SIAP app program will be supported with socialization by Ditjen PSP personnel, Jasindo marketing and agricultural service offices across the country, making it easier for farmers to register, administrative processes to pay premiums," he said here on Monday [May 6].

Sarwo Edhy said the use of IT app is very important for registration of insurance participants, especially for orderly administration and transparency of farmer insurance participation.

"The registration process will be faster, easier, orderly and monitored. All parties involved can directly monitor the progress of each farmer insurance participant, as well as farmers for example related premiums and others," he told the press.