Daging Ayam Ras Surplus, Potensi Produksi Lebih 3,1 Miliar Hingga Desember 2018

Indonesian Broiler Chickens Production of 2018 Exceeds Consumer Needs

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Daging Ayam Ras Surplus, Potensi Produksi Lebih 3,1 Miliar Hingga Desember 2018
HASIL AUDIT: Dirjen Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, I Ketut Diarmita (ke-2 kanan) menjawab pers didampingi para direktur di Ditjen PKH Kementan (Foto: Humas PKH)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kementerian Pertanian RI memastikan produksi daging ayam ras broiler 2018 melampaui kebutuhan konsumen atau surplus. Ditjen Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (PKH) menyatakan realisasi produksi Januari sampai Juni 2018 dan potensi produksi Juli hingga Desember 2018 mencapai 3.156.732.462 atau 3,156 miliar ekor, dengan rataan per bulan 263 juta ekor atau 62.633.581 ekor per minggu.

Dirjen PKH I Ketut Diarmita mengatakan potensi produksi karkas 2018 berdasarkan realisasi produksi ayam di bawah umur 10 hari atau day old chicken (DOC) pada Januari hingga Juni 2018 dan potensi Juli sampai Desember 2018 mencapai 3.382.311 ton dengan rataan per bulan 27.586 ton.

"Realisasi produksi DOC FS broiler Januari hingga Juni 2018 dan potensi produksi Juli ke Desember 2018 dari impor GPS broiler selama tiga tahun yakni 2016, 2017 dan 2018," kata Ketut Diarmita kepada pers di Jakarta, Kamis (30/8).

Sementara proyeksi kebutuhan karkas 2018 mencapai lebih tiga juta ton atau 3.051.276 ton, dengan rataan kebutuhan per bulan sebanyak 254.273 ton, sehingga ketersediaan lebih tinggi dari kebutuhan atau surplus, dengan potensi kelebihan 331.035 ton, atau rataan per bulan adalah 27.586 ton.

Dirjen I Ketut menambahkan data produksi tersebut diperkuat oleh hasil audit GPS ayam ras broiler oleh ´tim audit populasi ayam ras´ pada 18 Mei hingga 20 Juli 2018. 

Dari hasil verifikasi terhadap self assesment report (SAR) ke lokasi telah diperoleh data populasi GPS D - Line sebanyak 799.158 dari 14 perusahaan pembibitan. Sedangkan jumlah total C line ayam ras GPS sebanyak 111.984 ekor, D line umur 1 - 24 minggu sebanyak 316.217 ekor, D line umur 25 minggu - afkir  sebanyak 482.941 ekor, C line umur 1 - 24 minggu sebanyak 55.792 ekor dan C line umur 25 minggu - afkir sebanyak 56.192 ekor.

Selanjutnya, berdasarkan validasi akhir pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2018 (setelah mengeluarkan ayam GPS afkir, memasukkan realisasi impor DOC GPS dan deplesi ayam GPS berkisar antara 0,01 – 0,03% per minggu berdasarkan strain), maka total populasi GPS ayam ras broiler yaitu: jumlah total D line ayam ras GPS sebanyak 763.075 ekor, C line ayam ras GPS sebanyak 123.180 ekor, D line umur 1 - 24 minggu sebanyak 214.335 ekor, D line umur 25 minggu – afkir  sebanyak 548.740 ekor, C line umur 1 - 24 minggu sebanyak 54.438 ekor, dan C line umur 25 minggu – afkir sebanyak 68.742 ekor.

“Hasil audit ini dilaksanakan oleh Tim independen yang beranggotakan dari akademisi dan praktisi,” kata I Ketut Diarmita.

Ketua Tim Audit Populasi GPS Ayam Ras Broiler Trioso Purnawarman memaparkan bahwa audit dilaksanakan pada 14 perusahaan pembibitan GPS ayam ras broiler. 

Sementara sebaran farm GPS ayam ras broiler di tujuh provinsi: Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Lampung, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara dan Kalimantan Barat, dan strain GPS ayam ras broiler adalah Cobb, Ross, Indian River dan Hubbard.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Agriculture Ministry ensures that the production of 2018 broiler chicken meat exceeds the needs of consumers or surplus. Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health stated the realization of 2018 production for January to June, and the potential for July to December production reaches 3,156,732,462 or 3.156 billion chickens with a monthly average of 263 million chickens or 62,633,581 chickens per week.

Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, I Ketut Diarmita said potential of carcass production in 2018 from the realization of day old chicken or DOC production in January to June 2018 and the potential for July to December 2018 reached 3,382,311 tons with a monthly average of 27,586 tons.

"January to June DOC production realization, and production potential for July to December 2018 from GPS broiler imports for three years, 2016, 2017 and 2018," Diarmita told reporters here on Thursday (August 30).

While the projection of 2018 carcass needs is more than three million tons or 3,051,276 tons, with the average requirement per month of 254,273 tons, so the availability is higher than the need or surplus, estimated excess of 331,035 tons, or the average per month is 27,586 tons.

Mr. Diarmita added that the production data was strengthened by broiler chicken GPS audits by the ´broiler population audit team´ on 18 May to 20 July 2018.

From verification of self assessment report or SAR to location, obtained GPS D-Line population data of 799,158 from 14 chicken breeding companies. While the total GPS line C of 111,984 chickens, D line age 1 - 24 weeks of 316,217 chickens, D line aged 25 weeks - rejects 482,941 chickens, C line age 1 - 24 weeks of 55,792 chickens and C line age 25 weeks - afkir of 56,192 chickens.

Furthermore, based on the final validation on August 7, 2018 (after removing the rejected GPS chicken, entering the realization of DOC GPS import and GPS chicken depletion ranging from 0.01 - 0.03% per week based on strains), then the total GPS population of D line GPS is 763,075 chickens, C line GPS 123,180 chickens, D line aged 1 - 24 weeks of 214,335 chickens, D line aged 25 weeks - reject of 548,740 chickens, C line aged 1 - 24 weeks of 54,438 chickens, and C line aged 25 weeks - afkir of 68,742 chickens.

"An audit of an independent team consisting of academics and practitioners," said Mr Diarmita.

Chairman of the Broiler Chicken GPS Population Audit Team, Trioso Purnawarman said that the audit was carried out on 14 broiler GPS nursery companies. 

Meanwhile the distribution of broiler GPS farms in seven provinces: West Java, Central Java, East Java, Lampung, South Sumatra, North Sumatra and West Borneo; and the GPS strains of broiler chickens are Cobb, Ross, Indian River and Hubbard.