Helikopter Jatuh di Stadion, Pemilik Leicester City Diduga jadi Korban

Leicester City Owner Vichai`s Helicopter Crashed Outside King Power Stadium

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Helikopter Jatuh di Stadion, Pemilik Leicester City Diduga jadi Korban
Foto2: MailOnline

PARA SAKSI mata melaporkan melihat pesawat helikopter Augusta Westland AW-169 (kiri atas) mengalami kerusakan mesin dan berputar tak terkendali setelah lepas landas dari lingkaran tengah di stadion Leicester City.

Kondisi terakhir miliarder Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha (inset kanan) belum diketahui, tetapi ia diyakini berada di dalam helikopter menurut para pakar BT Sports di stadion yang menyaksikan helikopter itu lepas landas.

Laporan awal menunjukkan miliarder dan putrinya Voramas (inset kiri), bersama dengan dua pilot dan penumpang lain berada di helikopter ketika menabrak gedung parkir dan terbakar (kanan).

Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, yang memiliki rumah mewah di Berkshire dan apartemen di London, menjadi kaya raya dari usaha retail di Thailand dan jaringan toko King Power yang tersebar hampir di semua bandara negara-negara di Asia.

Setelah kecelakaan tersebut, petugas polisi terlihat bergegas ke tempat kejadian setelah helikopter itu jatuh di tempat parkir mobil, yang berubah menjadi bola api. 

Minggu pagi para pendukung Leicester meletakkan karangan bunga di tempat kejadian (kiri bawah) meskipun masih belum jelas siapa saja yang berada di helikopter.

Saat ini pihak berwenang sedang melakukan penyelidikan di tempat kejadian (tengah) yang diberi garis polisi seperti dilansir MailOnline.

WITNESSES reported seeing the Augusta Westland AW-169 aircraft (top left) suffering engine trouble and spinning out of control shortly after it took off from the centre-circle.

The condition of billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha (inset right) is not known, but he is believed to have been on board according to BT Sports pundits in the stadium who watched the helicopter take off. 

Early reports suggest the billionaire and his daughter Voramas (inset left), along with two pilots and another person were on the helicopter when it crashed into a car park and burst into flames (right). 

Mr Srivaddhanaprabha, who has a home in Berkshire and an apartment in London, made his money in retail in Thailand and his King Power shops are in every airport in the Asian country. 

Police officers were spotted rushing to the scene after the helicopter crashed in a car park, turning into a fireball. 

Early on Sunday Leicester fans left flowers at the scene (bottom left) although it is still unclear who exactly was on board. 

An investigation is now underway with the wreckage (centre) being cordoned off by police.