Tragis! Model Brasil Tewas setelah Jatuh di `Catwalk` Sao Paulo`s Fashion Week

Tragedy as Male Model, 26, Dies after Collapsing on the Catwalk

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Tragis! Model Brasil Tewas setelah Jatuh di `Catwalk` Sao Paulo`s Fashion Week
Para tamu di acara tersebut awalnya berpikir bahwa dia mendadak jatuh sebagai bagian dari aksinya di catwalk sebelum tim medis bergegas ke atas panggung untuk mencoba membantunya secara medis [Foto2: MailOnline]

SEORANG model pria Brasil meninggal dunia setelah jatuh sakit dan pingsan di atas catwalk pada Pekan Mode Sao Paulo.

Tales Soares, 26, jatuh sakit saat tampil untuk merek fesyen Ocksa di Brasil pada Sabtu malam, menurut panitia.

Model itu dirawat oleh paramedis di depan para penonton yang ketakutan dan kemudian dilarikan ke rumah sakit yang kemudian menyatakan sang model meninggal dunia.

Para tamu di acara tersebut awalnya berpikir bahwa dia mendadak jatuh sebagai bagian dari aksinya di catwalk sebelum tim medis bergegas ke atas panggung untuk mencoba membantunya secara medis.

Setelah kematian model, rekaman videonya muncul di media sosial memperlihatkan Soares jatuh tak lama setelah melakukan putaran cepat di panggung.

Dari rekaman video, Soares terlihat berjalan di panggung di depan ratusan penonton sebelum memutar ketika dia mendekati puncak catwalk.

Ketika dia berbalik di ujung catwalk, model itu tampak terhuyung-huyung dan langsung jatuh tertelungkup ke panggung.

Menurut surat kabar Brasil Folha Press, Soares dikabarkan tersandung tali sepatunya sebelum jatuh.

Juga dilaporkan bahwa setelah jatuh mulut sang model fesyen mulai berbusa.

Sebuah foto di surat kabar juga menunjukkan model itu berbaring telungkup di atas catwalk sementara paramedis merawatnya.

Sebuah pernyataan oleh panitia Pekan Mode Sao Paulo berbunyi: ´SPFW baru saja menerima berita kematian model Tales Soares, yang tiba-tiba jatuh sakit saat pertunjukan Ocksa.´

Di Instagram, penyelenggara Fashion Week kota memposting gambar model muda dengan pesan duka cita. 

Merek fashion Ocksa mengatakan di Instagram bahwa seluruh timnya ´kaget´ oleh kematian Soares, yang masuk ke agen model Base MGT.

Pernyataan itu tidak memberikan rincian lebih lanjut dan belum dapat dikonfirmasi bagaimana model itu meninggal dunia seperti dilansir MailOnline.

A BRAZILIAN model has died after falling sick and collapsing on the catwalk during Sao Paulo´s Fashion Week.

Tales Soares, 26, was taken ill during a parade for the fashion brand Ocksa in Brazil on Saturday night, according to organisers.  

The model was attended to by paramedics in front of horrified onlookers and was rushed to hospital where he was was pronounced dead.

Guests at the event had initially thought the fall was part of the model´s act before medical staff rushed onto the stage to try to revive Mr Soares.  

Following the model´s death, footage began to emerge on social media of Mr Soares collapsing shortly after making a swift turn on the runway. 

During the clip, Mr Soares was seen walking down the runway in front of hundreds of spectators before turning around as he approached the top of the catwalk.

As he turned at the end of the catwalk, the model appeared to stagger and soon fell face first onto the runway.   

According to the Brazilian newspaper Folha Press, Mr Soares reportedly tripped on his shoelace before he fell. 

It was also reported that the fashion model soon began to foam at the mouth after his fall.   

A photo in the newspaper also showed the model lying face down on the catwalk while paramedics attended to him.

A statement by Sao Paulo Fashion Week organisers read: ´SPFW has just received the news of the death of model Tales Soares, who suddenly took ill during the Ocksa show.´ 

On Instagram the organisers of the city´s Fashion Week posted a picture of the young model with the message: ´Que Deus o receba de braços abertos! A vida é definitivamente uma passarela, é só estamos de passagem! Muito triste!´

The message translated in English reads: ´May God welcome you with open arms! Life is definitely a catwalk, we´re just passing through! Very sad!´ 

Fashion brand Ocksa said on Instagram that its entire team was ´shocked´ by the death of Soares, who was signed to Base MGT modelling agency.

The statement did not provide more details and it is yet to be confirmed how the model died.