Muhammad Ali Kembali jadi `Headline` di Media AS setelah Wafat

How Newspapers in America Reacted to Death of Muhammad Ali

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Muhammad Ali Kembali jadi `Headline` di Media AS setelah Wafat
Foto2: MailOnline

AMERIKA dan seluruh dunia terkejut mendengar kabar pada Sabtu pagi bahwa legenda tinju Muhammad Ali meninggal dunia pada usia 74.

Didampingi keluarganya saat sakratul maut, petinju asal Louisville dilarikan ke rumah sakit di luar Phoenix, Arizona, pada Jumat malam, komplikasi kesulitan bernapas dan mengidap penyakit Parkinson selama 32 tahun maka sang legenda harus takluk pada takdir Allah SWT.

Surat kabar di seluruh luar AS dengan cepat berekasi pada kabar duka tersebut, dengan memasang foto Ali sebagai berita utama di sebagian besar tabloid terkemuka di negeri Paman Sam.

Super Sports Saturday, Daily News dan The Orange County Register, memilih foto paling terkenal dari karier Ali di ring tinju ketika dia berdiri dan menyeringai kepada Sonny Liston pada pertarungan kedua mereka pada 1965, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Petinju termuda yang pernah memenangkan gelar kelas berat, Mike Tyson mengatakan: 'Tuhan datang menjemput sang juara. Selamat jalan orang hebat, sementara mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat Bill Clinton menulis:

'Hillary dan saya sangat sedih atas meninggalnya Muhammad Ali. Dari hari ia merebut medali emas Olimpiade pada 1960, penggemar tinju di seluruh dunia tahu mereka melihat perpaduan keindahan dan karunia kasih, kecepatan dan kekuatan yang mungkin tidak akan pernah ada lagi.'

"Kami melihat dia tumbuh dari penuh percaya diri sebagai petinju muda dan sukses pada usia dewasa meyakini agama yang dipeluknya dan faham politik yang menyebabkan dia harus menjalani pilihan sulit dan konsekuen menjalaninya."

AMERICA and the rest of the world awoke to the news on Saturday morning that boxing legend Muhammad Ali had passed away aged 74.

With his family by his side, the Louisville native was rushed to hospital just outside Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday evening, where, a combination of breathing difficulties and a 32-year battle with Parkinson's disease saw Ali succumb to a battle he had so valiantly fought.

Newspapers across the U.S quickly capitalised on the passing, with Ali's image splashed across the front of numerous tabloids.

Super Sports Saturday, Daily News and The Orange County Register, all went with one of the most instantly recognisable and famous images from Ali's career in which he stands and berates a prone Sonny Liston from their second fight in 1965.

The youngest man ever to win the heavyweight title, Mike Tyson said: 'God came for his champion. So long great one, while former president of the United States Bill Clinton wrote:

'Hillary and I are saddened by the passing of Muhammad Ali. From the day he claimed the Olympic gold medal in 1960, boxing fans across the world knew they were seeing a blend of beauty and grace, speed and strength that may never be matched again.

'We watched him grow from the brash self-confidence of youth and success into a manhood full of religious and political convictions that led him to make tough choices and live with the consequences.'