Jarak Tanam Jagung, Dirjen Gatot Usul 100 Ribu Batang per Hektar

Indonesian Govt Support Corn Farmers Increase Production to Prevent Imports

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Jarak Tanam Jagung, Dirjen Gatot Usul 100 Ribu Batang per Hektar
PANEN JAGUNG HIBRIDA: Dirjen Tanaman Pangan Sumarjo Gatot Irianto panen jagung di Gunung Kidul, DIY, dan berbincang dengan pengusaha muda UKM didampingi Direktur Polbangtan YoMa, Dr Rajiman SP MP (Foto2: Humas)

Boyolali, Jateng (B2B) - Guna mendongkrak produktivitas jagung per hektar di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Provinsi DI Yogyakarta maka Dirjen Tanaman Pangan Kementerian Pertanian RI, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto mengharapkan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Yogyakarta melakukan penelitian untuk mendukung petani menambah populasi atau kepadatan jarak tanam dari 60.000 menjadi 100.000 batang per hektar.

"Kami tahu tanah di Gunung Kidul rawan Kami minta BPTP melakukan kajian tanah untuk menambah populasi tanaman jagung," kata Dirjen Gatot kepada pers usai panen jagung hibrida di Desa Bleberan pada lahan seluas 300 hektar dari potensi luas 748 hektar.

Dia mengharapkan petani jagung Gunung Kidul terus menanam sepanjang tahun untuk menjaga ketersediaan dan stabilisasi harga, seperti saat ini Kementan menjaga harga tidak anjlok pada panen raya seperti saat ini.

Bupati Gunung Kidul, Badingah mengatakan produktivitas jagung tahun ini maksimal 4,9 ton per hektar, dan diperkirakan lebih tinggi dari 2018.

Sementara PJ Upsus Yogyakarta, Idha Widi Arsanti mengatakan Kementan terus mendukung peningkatan produksi jagung, dan lahan jagung di Desa Bleberan mendapatkan bantuan benih jagung hibrida seluas 50 hektar.

"Pemerintah terus menggalakkan program upaya khusus untuk meningkatkan produksi jagung untuk mencapai swasembada pangan," kata Idha WA yang juga menjabat Kepala Pusat Pendidikan Pertanian (Pusdiktan) didampingi Direktur Polbangtan YoMa, Dr Rajiman SP MP.

Boyolali of Central Java (B2B) - The Indonesian government seeks to increase corn productivity per hectare in Gunung Kidul district of Yogyakarta province so the Director General of Food Crops at the Agriculture Ministry, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto expects the Yogyakarta Institute of Agricultural Technology or the BPTP conducting research support farmers to increase the planting distance density from 60,000 to 100,000 stems per hectare.

"We know that the land in Gunung Kidul is prone to erosion. We ask BPTP to study land to increase the population of corn plants," DG Irianto told the press here recently.

He hopes that Gunung Kidul corn farmers continue to plant to maintain the availability and stabilization of prices, as currently the government is trying to keep prices from falling during the current harvest.

Gunung Kidul Regent, Badingah, said that the productivity of corn this year is a maximum of 4.9 tons per hectare, estimated to be higher than 2018.

While the senior ministry official, Idha Widi Arsanti, said his side continued to support the increase in corn production, and corn land in Bleberan village received 50 hectares of hybrid seed assistance.

"The government continues to support programs to increase strategic food production such as corn to increase production to achieve food self-sufficiency," said Arsanti who was also served as the Director of Agricultural Education Center accompanied by Director of Polbangtan YoMa, Dr Rajiman SP MP.