Alexis Sanchez Pilih Bertahan di Arsenal, Latihan Hadapi Bournemouth

Alexis Sanchez in Training as He Prepares for Arsenal Return Against Bournemouth

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Alexis Sanchez Pilih Bertahan di Arsenal, Latihan Hadapi Bournemouth
Alexis Sanchez kembali berlatih bersama rekan setimnya di Arsenal (Foto: MailOnline)

REKAN setimnya Nacho Monreal yakin Sanchez akan terus bertahan di Arsenal.

"Ini kabar bagus bagi Arsenal pada umumnya, bagi para penggemarnya, bagi para rekan setim, bagi klub pada umumnya bahwa Alexis bertahan," kata Monreal. "Dia pemain paling penting bagi kami."

'Yang bisa kami tawarkan kepada para penggemar adalah bahwa di pertandingan berikutnya, dari menit pertama, kami mulai dengan latihan, membuat permainan yang bagus, mendapatkan tiga poin dan semuanya akan kembali seperti sebelumnya."

'Alexis sangat kompetitif. Dia tidak ingin kehilangan olahraga apapun. Dia selalu berusaha untuk menang, dia selalu memberikan usaha maksimal 100 persen dalam setiap sesi latihan.'

"Dia akan sangat penting bagi kita sepanjang sisa musim ini."

Arsenal ingin membalas setelah dikalahkan 4-0 oleh Liverpool di Anfield dua pekan lalu dalam pertandingan terakhir Liga Primer mereka seperti dilansir MailOnline.

HIS TEAM-MATE Nacho Monreal believes Sanchez will continue to fight for Arsenal.

'It's good news for Arsenal in general, for the fans, for the players, for the club in general that Alexis is staying here,' Monreal said. 'He's the most important player for us.

'All we can offer to the fans is that in the next game, from the first minute, we start with intensity, make a good game, get the three points and everything will come back as before.

'Alexis is very competitive. He doesn't want to lose any sport. He's always trying to win, he always gives his maximum, 100 per cent effort in every single training session.

'He's going to be very important for us for the rest of the season.'

Arsenal are looking to hit back after being defeated 4-0 by Liverpool at Anfield two weeks ago in their last Premier League match.