Rumah Tersambar Petir, Bocah Tewas Kesetrum saat Cabut Charger Ponsel

Girl, Six, is Electrocuted when Lightning Hits her Home in Indonesia as She Unplugged the Phone

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Rumah Tersambar Petir, Bocah Tewas Kesetrum saat Cabut Charger Ponsel
Foto: MailOnline

SALSABILA Ayu Putri, enam tahun, sedang mengisi daya ponsel pintarnya. Dia tersengat listrik ketika rumahnya di desa Sanja tersambar petir. Ibunya mengatakan putrinya kesetrum saat mencabut charger-nya dari stop kontak.

Nasib naas menimpa seorang anak perempuan ketika mengisi daya smartphone saat petir menyambar pada Rabu.

Korban, Salsabila Ayu Putri, tersengat listrik saat nge-charge HP-nya setelah rumahnya tersambar petir di Desa Sanja, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Ibu mendiang, yang disapa Widya, 30, mengatakan kepada Polres Bogor bahwa putrinya tersengat listrik saat melepas pengisi daya ponsel dari stop kontak.

Juru bicara Polres Bogor Ita Puspita mengatakan kepada ´Ketika (Ms Widiya) mencabut kabel ponsel (pengisian), dia mengatakan arus listrik menyengat tangannya.´

Sang ibu kemudian menemukan putrinya di lantai, dengan pipi kanan yang melepuh dan dada yang menghitam.

Ms Widya menelepon tetangga untuk minta tolong tapi sudah terlambat untuk menyelamatkan anaknya, yang telah meninggal dunia.

Polisi mengatakan keluarga Salsabila menolak otopsi jenazah putrinya seperti dilansir MailOnline.

SALSABILA Ayu Putri, six, was playing with a charging mobile phone. She was electrocuted when her home in Sanja village was struck by lightning. Girl´s mother said electric current shocked her hand as she unplugged the phone.

A girl in Indonesia has died while playing with a charging mobile phone during a lightning strike on Wednesday. 

The victim, Salsabila Ayu Putri, six, was electrocuted while playing as a storm passed over her home in Sanja village, in the Bogor regency of West Java. 

The girl´s mother, identified as Ms Widiya, 30, told Bogor Police that she suffered an electric shock while unplugging the charger just after the lightning struck. 

Bogor Police spokeswoman Ita Puspita told ´When (Ms Widiya) unplugged the cellphone (charging) cable, she said an electrical current shocked her hand.´

The mother then discovered her daughter on the floor, with a blistered right cheek and a blackened chest. 

Ms Widiya called neighbours for help straight away but it was too late to save the child, who had stopped breathing. 

Police said Salsabila´s family had refused an autopsy of the girl´s body.