Ruhut Sitompul Tetap Diusung Fraksi Demokrat Pimpin Komisi III

Democrat Insist Ruhut Sitompul Led the Commission III

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Ruhut Sitompul Tetap Diusung Fraksi Demokrat Pimpin Komisi III
Ruhut Sitompul (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Partai Demokrat DPR tetap mengusung Ruhut Sitompul sebagai Ketua Komisi III DPR. Ketua Fraksi Demokrat DPR, Nurhayati Ali Assegaf mengatakan belum memiliki alternatif pengganti selain Ruhut Sitompul.

"Penolakan sejumlah anggota Komisi III karena terbatasnya waktu untuk lobi ke masing-masing fraksi yang terbatas," kata Nurhayati kepada pers di gedung parlemen Senayan Jakarta, Rabu (25/9).

Nurhayati mengaku akan melakukan pendekatan yang lebih maksimal demi meloloskan kadernya menjadi pimpinan Komisi. Nurhayati tetap optimis lobi yang akan dilakukannya ke Komisi Hukum bakal berhasil.

"Saya tidak mau menyerah sebelum melakukan. Sangat disayangkan mereka mengarah ke ranah personal serta tidak menghargai kebijakan fraksi. Apa pun hasil dari pendekatan ini, saya akan melaporkannya ke DPP," katanya lagi.

Ruhut Sitompul ditunjuk sebagai Ketua Komisi Hukum menggantikan Gede Pasek Suardika. Ruhut sebelumnya sudah berkali-kali mengatakan dirinya diminta langsung oleh Syariefuddin Hasan untuk memimpin Komisi tersebut.

Pergantian ini dilakukan tak lama setelah Pasek menghadiri deklarasi ormas Perhimpunan Pergerakan Indonesia yang digagas Anas Urbaningrum.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Democrat Party Faction at the House of Representatives, Nurhayati Ali Assegaf stated the party will still  nominate Ruhut Sitompul as chairman of the House’s Commission III overseeing legal affairs.

"The refusal of several members of the commission ensued from the limited time the Democrat faction had to lobby their factions," Nurhayati told reporters at the House building in Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday (25/9).

Nurhayati said her faction would intensify the lobbying to help Ruhut secure the seat of commission chief, adding that she was optimistic the efforts would be successful.

“I don’t want to give up before giving it a try. It is unfortunate that they were going for personal issues and disrespected our party’s decision. I will report whatever results of the lobbying to the Democrat central executive board,” she said.

The Democrat has appointed Ruhut Sitompul as chief of the House’s commission overseeing legal affairs to replace Gede Pasek Suardika, also a Democrat politician. Prior to his appointment, Ruhut had repeatedly mentioned Democrat executive chief Syariefuddin Hasan asked him to helm the commission.

The replacement took place following Gede Pasek’s arrival at the declaration of the Indonesian Movement mass organization, which was founded by ex-Democrat Party chief Anas Urbaningrum.