Dahlan Minta Maaf pada 2 Anggota DPR

Dahlan Apologizes to Two Legislators

Reporter : Reza Syariati
Editor : Hari Utomo
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Dahlan Minta Maaf pada 2 Anggota DPR
M Ichlas El Qudsi (kiri) dan Andi Timo Pangerang

Jakarta (B2B) - State Owned-Enterprises Minister, Dahlan Iskan meminta maaf kepada dua anggota DPR yang dituduh melakukan pemerasan.

Dahlan meminta maaf kepada M Ichlas El Qudsi dan Andi Timo Pangerang, yang dikatakannya mencoba untuk memeras Presiden Direktur Merpati Nusantara Airlines.

Dahlan menyertakan nama mereka dalam laporannya ke Badan Kehormatan (BK) DPR setelah anggota DPR menawarkan bantuan kepada pimpinan BUMN untuk menyetujui kucuran dana pemerintah.

"Sebenarnya ada dua nama yang tidak berhubungan sama sekali tetapi termasuk dalam surat [pertama] [kepada BK DPR]. Mereka adalah Ichlas El Qudsi dan Timo Pangerang. Keduanya bersih, tidak ada masalah dan mereka tidak terkait dengan hal ini," kata Dahlan di Gedung DPR, Rabu.

"Untuk keduanya, saya minta maaf. Saya akan berupaya untuk mendapatkan maaf," tambah Dahlan, tapi menolak untuk menjelaskan upayanya tersebut.

Ichlas, dari Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), pekan lalu, menuntut Dahlan mencabut pernyataannya dan mengeluarkan permintaan maaf di depan publik.

"Ini tidak benar sama sekali, itulah sebabnya kami memberi Dahlan waktu tujuh hari untuk memuat permintaan maaf secara terbuka kepada pers," kata Ichlas saat itu.

Dia menyanggah tuduhan bahwa telah memeras direksi Merpati, karena dia tidak bertugas di komisi DPR yang menangani BUMN.

Viva Yoga Mauladi, Wakil Ketua Fraksi PAN di DPR mengatakan bahwa jika Dahlan menolak meminta maaf, partai akan memprosesnya secara pidana.

Jakarta (B2B) - State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has apologized to two lawmakers whom he accused of extortion.

Dahlan apologized to M. Ichlas El Qudsi and Andi Timo Pangerang, whom he had said tried to extort the Merpati Nusantara Airlines president director.

Dahlan had included their names in a submission to the House of Representatives Ethics Council (BK) on lawmakers seeking favors from state enterprises leaders in exchange for approving their budget, but since wrote back to the body to withdraw the accusations against the duo.

“There are actually two names that aren’t related at all but were included in the [first] letter [to the Ethics Council]. They are Ichlas El Qudsi and Timo Pangerang. Those two people are clean, there’s no problem and they aren’t related to this,” Dahlan said at the parliament building on Wednesday.

“To those two people, I would like to offer my apology. I will make certain efforts to apologize,” Dahlan added, but declined to elaborate what the efforts would be.

Ichlas, from the National Mandate Party (PAN), last week demanded Dahlan retract his statement and issue a public apology. “This is not right at all, which is why we’ve given Dahlan seven days to publish an open apology in the press,” he said at the time.

He denied allegations that he extorted the directors of Merpati, saying that he did not serve on the House committee monitoring the loss-making company.

Viva Yoga Mauladi, the PAN deputy chairman at the House, said that if Dahlan refused to apologize the party would launch criminal proceedings against him.