Indonesia Dapat 20 Ribu Tambahan Kouta Haji Tahun Depan
Indonesia Gets Additional Hajj Quota Next Year
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Surabaya, Jatim [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menyebut Indonesia telah memperoleh tambahan kuota jemaah haji dari pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi sebanyak 20.000 jemaah.
Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Presiden di hadapan para peserta Apel Hari Santri Tahun 2023 yang digelar di Monumen Tugu Pahlawan, Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur, pada Minggu kemarin.
“Saya diberi tahu sudah diputuskan oleh Perdana Menteri Pangeran MBS [Mohammed bin Salman] bahwa tambahan kuotanya adalah 20.000 [jemaah], ini jumlah yang sangat besar,” ungkap Jokowi.
Sebelumnya, Jokowi menceritakan bahwa hal tersebut merupakan hasil dari pertemuannya saat makan siang bersama Putra Mahkota yang juga Perdana Menteri [PM] Kerajaan Arab Saudi Mohammed bin Salman Al-Saud saat kunjungannya ke Kerajaan Arab Saudi pada Kamis [19/10].
Jokowi menyebut, dirinya menyempaikan bahwa jemaah haji Indonesia harus menunggu hingga 47 tahun untuk mendapatkan kesempatan ibadah haji.
"Karena beliau sedang senang saya berani ngomong mohon ditambah kuota hajinya untuk Indonesia, karena penduduk Indonesia itu sekarang 278 juta saya sampaikan, dan beliau saat itu spontan ‘Besok pagi-pagi saya beri informasi Presiden Jokowi berapa tambahan hajinya’," jelasnya.
Masih di lokasi yang sama, saat memberikan keterangan di hadapan para awak media, Kepala Negara menyampaikan bahwa penambahan kuota haji tersebut kemudian sudah dapat ditindaklanjuti dan diharapkan sudah bisa mulai diterapkan mulai tahun depan.
"Sudah, ini tinggal ditindaklanjuti dengan surat aja, insyaallah [tahun depan] kalau itu sudah beres," tandasnya.
Surabaya of East Java [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that Indonesia had received an additional quota of 20,000 pilgrims from the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This was expressed by the President in front of the participants of the 2023 Santri Day Call which was held at the Tugu Pahlawan Monument, Surabaya City, East Java Province, on Sunday (22/10/2023).
"I was told that it had been decided by Prime Minister Prince MBS (Mohammed bin Salman) that the additional quota was 20,000 (congregants), this is a very large number," said the President.
Previously, the President said that this was the result of his lunch meeting with the Crown Prince who is also Prime Minister (PM) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al-Saud during his visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Thursday (19/10).
The President said that he stated that Indonesian Hajj pilgrims would have to wait up to 47 years to get the opportunity to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.
"Because he was happy, I dared to say, please increase the Hajj quota for Indonesia, because Indonesia's population is now 278 million. I told him, and at that time he spontaneously said, 'Early tomorrow morning, I will inform President Jokowi how much the additional Hajj will be,'" he explained.
Still at the same location, when giving a statement in front of media crew, the Head of State said that the increase in the Hajj quota could then be followed up and it was hoped that it could begin to be implemented starting next year.
"That's it, we just need to follow up with a letter, God willing (next year) it will be resolved," he said.