Bertemu Presiden Biden, Jokowi Sampaikan Hasil KTT OKI

Meeting President Biden, President Jokowi conveys the results of the OIC summit on Palestine

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Bertemu Presiden Biden, Jokowi Sampaikan Hasil KTT OKI
KTT OKI: Presiden Jokowi saat memberikan pernyataan di Washington DC, Amerika Serikat. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden Jokowi menyampaikan hasil Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi [KTT] Luar Biasa Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam [OKI] terkait kondisi terkini di Palestina, dengan Presiden Amerika Serikat Joe Biden, Senin [13/11] waktu setempat.

"Alhamdulillah, KTT OKI menghasilkan resolusi yang berisi pesan yang sangat kuat untuk dunia. Dan, pesan inilah yang akan saya sampaikan kepada Presiden Biden esok hari, di mana ini adalah suara dari 57 negara atau sekitar sepertiga suara negara di dunia," ujar Jokowi dalam keterangan persnya, di Washington DC, AS, Minggu kemarin.

Selain itu, Jokowi juga akan menyampaikan pesan dari Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas.

"Saya juga akan menyampaikan pesan dari Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas yang meminta saya secara khusus untuk menyampaikannya kepada Presiden Biden," ujar Jokowi.

Jokowi mengungkapkan, dalam pertemuan KTT Luar Biasa OKI yang berlangsung di Riyadh, Arab Saudi tersebut, dirinya mengajak negara-negara anggota OKI untuk bersatu dan berada di barisan terdepan dalam memperjuangkan keadilan bagi rakyat Palestina.

"Gencatan senjata harus segera diwujudkan, bantuan kemanusiaan harus dipercepat dan diperbanyak, perundingan damai harus segera dimulai, fasilitas publik dan kegiatan kemanusiaan tidak boleh menjadi sasaran serangan, dan Israel harus bertanggung jawab atas kekejaman yang telah dilakukan," ujarnya.

Terkait kondisi Rumah Sakit Indonesia di Palestina saat ini, Jokowi menekankan pentingnya menghormati hukum humaniter internasional. Hal itu disampaikan Presiden dalam KTT OKI maupun pertemuan bilateral dengan sejumlah pemimpin negara OKI,

"Saya ingin kembali tegaskan bahwa dari sejak awal terjadinya serangan, pemerintah telah dan akan terus berupaya untuk melindungi WNI serta fasilitas-fasilitas publik, termasuk Rumah Sakit Indonesia," tegasnya.

Menutup pernyataannya, Jokowi menegaskan dukungannya kepada Menteri Luar Negeri RI untuk berperan aktif dalam mengupayakan perdamaian di Palestina.

"Saya juga ingin memberikan dukungan penuh untuk Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia yang terpilih sebagai salah satu Menlu yang diberikan kepercayaan oleh para pemimpin OKI untuk mengupayakan perdamaian di Palestina," tandasnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will meet with the President of the United States (US) Joe Biden, Monday (13/11) local time.

During the meeting, President Jokowi will present the results of the Extraordinary High Level Conference (Summit) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) regarding the current conditions in Palestine.

“Thank God, the OIC Summit produced a resolution that contains a very strong message for the world. "And, this is the message that I will convey to President Biden tomorrow, where this is the vote of 57 countries or about a third of the votes of countries in the world," said the President in his press statement, in Washington DC, USA, Sunday (12/11/2023 ).

Apart from that, President Jokowi will also convey a message from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

"I will also convey a message from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who asked me specifically to convey it to President Biden," said the President.

President Jokowi revealed that at the OIC Extraordinary Summit meeting which took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, he invited OIC member countries to unite and be at the forefront in fighting for justice for the Palestinian people.

"A ceasefire must be realized immediately, humanitarian aid must be accelerated and increased, peace negotiations must begin immediately, public facilities and humanitarian activities must not be the target of attacks, and Israel must be held accountable for the atrocities it has committed," he said.

Regarding the current condition of the Indonesian Hospital in Palestine, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of respecting international humanitarian law. This was conveyed by the President at the OIC Summit and bilateral meetings with a number of OIC country leaders,

"I want to reiterate that from the beginning of the attack, the government has and will continue to make efforts to protect Indonesian citizens and public facilities, including the Indonesian Hospital," he stressed.

Closing his statement, President Jokowi emphasized his support for the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs to play an active role in seeking peace in Palestine.

"I also want to give full support to the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs who was chosen as one of the Foreign Ministers entrusted by the OIC leaders to work for peace in Palestine," he said.